Chapter 1024 Try to touch my son

After she led Qi Yue out.

She was finally able to look at her phone when her face was free. She clicked on the phone and saw that there were several messages.

Needless to say about Xiao Baozi's news, from changing clothes to going out, the whole process was broadcast live to her.

In addition to Xiaobaozi's, there is another person's news.

Rongyan clicked on someone's profile picture, and there was only one sentence in it, [I'm here. 】

I also attached a photo of the scene. It can be seen that his position is very close to the stage, and it should be in the center of the first row.

Rong Yan also found a small figure beside him, it wasn't her little bun.

Beside Xiao Baozi was Lin Zhiya who was smiling lovingly. Lin Zhiya was holding a light sign with her name written on it.

Looking at the three people in the photo, Rong Yan's heart was full.The corners of her mouth rose uncontrollably, and her heart was as sweet as honey.

But there are always people who like to spoil the atmosphere.

When a strange phone call came in, the first reaction on his face was to frown, and he didn't want to answer it.But she hadn't seen that call before, maybe Gu Linxi and the like had changed their number and didn't tell her. She thought about it and connected the call anyway.

Who knew that as soon as the connection was made, I heard a voice I didn't want to hear, "Rongyan, you are going to participate in the AQ finals, right? You are looking good now."

Except for Jiang Meiqi, no one would speak in a yin-yang tone.

Rong Yan immediately prepared to hang up the phone.

I don't know if Jiang Meiqi sensed that she wanted to hang up the phone, and snapped, "You don't want to think about who you are stepping on when you can be so beautiful! Xiaowei is pregnant and you are locked in the detention center, but you are so beautiful outside, Doesn't your conscience ache?"


With a blank face, she said, "I'm sorry, my conscience was eaten by dogs."

Jiang Meiqi's chest swelled from being blocked by her, "You!"

Tie Qing sneered and said, "Do you think you can change public opinion by dragging on the Internet? Even if you throw out that recording, it still can't change the fact that you are a white-eyed wolf. Face, let me tell you, tell the police if you are interested. Say hello, let Xiao Wei out, or I will make violent news on the Internet. I heard from Xiao Wei that the bastard you gave birth to five years ago belonged to Li Shengxiao. You said that if I put you and Li Shengxiao on the Internet If the relationship is exposed, do you think the Li family will allow people like you to exist? Even if you lied to Lin Zhiya, General Lin is not as easy-going as her, and you and Xiao Yezhong will be kicked out!"

It's the first time I've seen a mad dog with a face like Jiang Meiqi's.Especially when Jiang Meiqi deliberately threatened her with the little bun, her eyes suddenly sank, and there was a coldness in her eyes, "You can try."

Jiang Meiqi was furious, "You think I dare not?!"

Yan Yan reminded her coldly, "I know you dare, how bold you are, and how productive the tree is. Your skin is thicker than the bark of a tree, there is nothing you dare not do. It's just that Mrs. Rong thinks that you are relying on your shame You can try the place where Hou can do whatever you want. If you dare to touch my son, I will pay ten times more to Rong Weiwei. She can still have a miscarriage when she is pregnant. You make me anxious. Believe it or not, I am not an entertainment In the ring, let her sit in prison for ten years!"

"You, you..." Jiang Meiqi was shocked and angry, but she didn't dare to really offend her face, her face was so innocent that she didn't even let out a fart.

That face has hung up on her directly and dragged her new number into the blacklist!

(End of this chapter)

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