Chapter 1236 She Wants to Resign
The editor-in-chief of that magazine was her father's former subordinate, and with her father's help, she gradually became one of the editor-in-chiefs with considerable status in the fashion circle.

I have always been grateful to their family, and I will visit their house every New Year's day to pay New Year's greetings, and I will give her a gift.

She wanted to see, she went to Aunt Coco, how could Xia Xue win the cover of the magazine with the old man behind her!
Estelle's office is on the 2nd floor, and Yan Yan just ran into someone who was about to come out of it full of anger.

"Wait for me, I'll be right over." Estelle was on the phone with her mobile phone attached to her ear. When she bumped into her face, she froze for a moment, and immediately said to the person on the other end of the phone, "Don't wait for me for now, I have something to do. I'll call you before I come over."

After speaking, she hung up the phone.

A surprised expression appeared on the meticulously capable face, "Rongyan, why are you here?"

"I'm here to find you, Miss Estelle."

Estelle was surprised, so she opened the door and reopened the office door, "Come in."

She put the phone back on the desk. Apart from the phone, there was only a big box in the clean and tidy desk, which contained a lot of blue documents and some personal items.

Seeing the cardboard box, Rong Yan knew it in her heart, and followed her to her desk.

"What do you want from me?" Estelle found two paper cups, took a glass of water for herself and handed it to her, leaning on the edge of the desk, taking a sip from the glass in a relaxed manner.

In the end, she didn't drink the water in the paper cup. Instead, she held the water cup in her hand and looked at her with a complicated expression, "Sister Estelle, do you want to resign?"

Estelle stopped drinking water, raised her eyelids to look at her, "Who did you listen to?"


She put the paper cup on the desk, did not press the question, and admitted openly, "Yes, I am going to resign. I don't know who you heard it from, it should be the people in the team, they must be with you Said I resigned because of you."

"Isn't it?" The face felt uncomfortable.

"No." Estelle shook her head and said frankly, "There are certain reasons for what happened with you, but it is not the main reason. The main reason I want to resign is that I am not happy with what I am doing here. I am not happy with a job, and I do it every day. It’s not very interesting. Besides, I also want to try a new environment while I’m young. The job of artist coordinator is stable and the income is good. After all, there is not much room for improvement. I want to re-plan my life.”

What Rong Yan heard was not this version. Qi Yue told her on the phone that the newly appointed president would attack her as soon as he arrived. As her manager, Estelle was retained after the meeting, and it didn't take long for the news to spread News of resignation.

She was not feeling well.

Since her return to China, Estelle has given her a lot of help along the way, and she has not been able to repay her well, and it has caused Estelle to lose her job because of her, and no one can accept it.

But Estelle didn't want her to connect the two things together, she was silent for a moment, and didn't blame herself for the mistake, and asked, "Then where does Miss Estelle plan to develop next?"

"Well, I haven't thought about it yet." Estelle thought for a while and said, "I want to take a break for a while. I haven't had a good rest or paid for my family in the past few years. I want to take this time to spend time with you. People in the family. Look for it later to see which company is suitable, and choose a company you like for development.”

(End of this chapter)

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