Chapter 1762 It's Impossible to Press Down

After scolding, he held back the anger between his brows, and said to Fu Yi, "Since we know where the person is, let's hurry up. After helping her this time, let her brother take her out of the country quickly, don't dawdle in front of my eyes, shakily!" I'm upset!"

"Let's go, before Sheng Xiao doesn't know."

The mint candy in Fu Yi's hand was finally put into his mouth, and he sighed, "It's too late."

Cui Jiangjing walked out two steps and then turned back, "Why is it too late? Does Sheng Xiao know?"

Damn, so fast?
Fu Yi shook his head.

He is short-tempered, and he doesn't like to talk slowly with people, so he immediately became anxious, "Say what you want, shake your head, I'm not a roundworm in your stomach, just shake your head, I know what you want to say!"

Fu Yi was helpless, "I said it's too late, it's not that Sheng Xiao knows."

"What is that, tell me."

"Look at your phone."

Cui Jiangjing cursed and took out his mobile phone. As soon as he clicked on it, a new push message came - "Famous actress who knew the law and broke the law has been taken away by the police"!
He clicked in, and although the few photos on the news were blurred, they could definitely be recognized from the angle.

Several photos clearly showed her face being taken into a car by a group of people in uniform.

The release of such a few ambiguous photos is enough to detonate public opinion on the Internet.

#Appearance was taken away by the police#
#face, haoran starry sky#
#Appearance on the police car#
Several topics were airborne on the hot search list, and in the hottest face personal super chat, fans were beyond shocked.

There are people who can't believe it.

[Impossible, how could her face be taken away by the police? You can’t even see clearly in those few photos. How can you say it’s our family’s little demon. ]
[I don't believe it either, it must be the new news that Heizi came up with, I don't understand those Heizi are dead horses, staring at my goddess Hei every day, there is something wrong with my brain! ]
[The photo was posted by P, I can post a hundred of this kind of photos, don’t believe it. ]
Others were disappointed.

[I used to trust her very much. I thought that although she met those disgusting people from the Rong family, she had a positive outlook and positive energy. I was happy for her when I heard that she married into a wealthy family, but I didn't expect to be arrested.disappointment. ]
[There are no idols before the law. I can accept that my idol has minor flaws and is not good enough, but I cannot accept that she breaks the law.Those fans clamoring to stand on the side of appearance no matter what, enough is enough, don't wash the ground for her there.She murdered and broke the law, you all stand by her side?What if she killed your relatives or your friends, are you still on her side? ]
[...I cannot accept legal coffee. ]
There are also people who take the opportunity to stir up the water.

[I didn't like her at the beginning. Although Rong Weiwei is a white lotus, she and her fans are not much better. They use their true nature to whitewash themselves every day and suppress and bully others.Among other things, when Rong Weiwei said that she had the news of the financial master, I believed Rong Weiwei. ]
[She is not a good bird, otherwise she can climb a high branch?This time, the human set has overturned, and the small melon seeds have been prepared, and the bench is moved to wait for the goddess to wash the floor. ]
[Curious about what she did, she will be taken away by the police, please ask for popular science. ]
[I heard that it was making false accounts and not paying taxes. I guess there are other things, it is impossible to just this one.She has done a lot of good things, and it depends on what the police find out.Don't wash the fans, the police personally arrest people, what do you want to beat? ]
(End of this chapter)

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