Chapter 1935 I Forgot

The face is silent.

But I was relieved.

Coincidentally, she thought so too!
Afraid that she would think too much, Li Shengxiao continued as he walked, "There is another reason."

With a sideways look, "Any other reasons?"

He raised his thin lips, and his handsome face became more and more seductive, "It's not convenient for me to say some things, it's convenient for uncles and aunts!"

It's not convenient for me to say some things, it's convenient for my uncle and aunt.

Rong Yan stopped in her tracks and looked at him in surprise, "You already knew what Aunt Jiang and the others were going to say?"

She turned her mind and realized that she underestimated him, "No! Last night when you received the call, you knew that they called Grandpa Lin and the others in addition to calling us today? You knew what they wanted to do early in the morning, and you just followed the trend! "

Li Shengxiao nodded her forehead and smiled brightly. His handsome figure stood upright like a pine and cypress, "Uncle and Aunt finally found you, and it's normal to want to stand up for you. We have been married for two years, and I really should give you a wedding .”

The place where her forehead was touched was hot, and the fiery blush spread from her forehead to her face. She bit her lip and whispered, "It's not your intention not to hold a wedding. I proposed a hidden marriage. Aunt Jiang and the others seem to have put The decision of our hidden marriage is on your head..." Isn't he worried?

Walking to the car door in a blink of an eye, Li Shengxiao took out the car key, pressed the car lock, and opened the co-pilot's door.

After letting her sit in, help her fasten her seat belt.

Then he walked around to the driver's seat, opened the door and sat in.

After sitting down and fastening the seat belt, he answered Yanyan's question in a strategic manner, "The person who married me is you and not them. What people other than you think of me has nothing to do with me!"

Casual, determined tone.

His face was angry and funny, and he didn't know what to say about him.

After holding back for a long time, I finally managed to say, "Cui Jiangjing said before that you are withdrawn and have a slight phobia of crowds. I now find that you don't have a phobia of crowds. You are... paranoid, paranoid!"

Not only is he paranoid, but he also thinks directly, too directly!It was as if he had only one thing to think about - the impact of this decision on her.

He made all the decisions that didn't affect her with great force.

Moreover, she discovered the most embarrassing thing - she seemed to be thoroughly studied by him!His thoughts and emotions seemed to be under his control.

Ordinarily, there is such a person beside her, she should think carefully and be terrified!
But embarrassingly, she didn't!

She was not afraid of him at all, and believed in him wholeheartedly, as if she had never doubted him.

She also heard what Aunt Jiang said at the dinner table.

Li Shengxiao's feelings for her are a double-edged sword in the eyes of any sane person. When the relationship is good, he is her invincible armor.If the relationship is not good, he may be the sharp sword that destroys her.But for some reason, she just believed that he would never hurt her no matter what!

Rongyan herself doesn't know where she got her self-confidence, but she just has it!
Li Shengxiao half closed his eyelids, his long legs were bent in the car, and his back was leaning on the chair. He was silent for a moment, then opened his eyes and looked at her, "What do you think of what Auntie said before?"

"Ah? What did you say?" Rongyan blinked her eyes, innocently pretending to be stupid, "I forgot."

How could she forget her sly look.

(End of this chapter)

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