After marrying a big guy, I became popular in the entertainment industry

Chapter 825 It's obviously Fu Ya's fault

Chapter 825 It's obviously Fu Ya's fault

Apparently, KT Entertainment has been peaceful these years, and there has never been any incident of paparazzi sneaking into the company to steal information about the company's artists.

So the truth is about to come out.

Estelle is smart, "You mean it's someone inside the company who's stealing."

"Bingo~!" Rong Yan smiled, "I guess it's not just the company's internal personnel. She stole other things to cover up her real purpose. Sister Estell, what is the least valuable thing she took?"

"The least valuable, let me think about it." Estelle suddenly realized, her face changed, "It must be calculated according to the discounted money, the new song information you put in my drawer is the least valuable. Beauty, you mean the thief's The main purpose is to steal the new song you put in the drawer?"

Face, "People in KT Entertainment can know that Qi Yue and I were in the company's recording studio just by inquiring about it. Even if they don't know what I'm doing in there, they can guess some of it. The rest just need to buy a few more With an eyeliner, you can know my usual whereabouts like the back of your hand. Of course, you can easily know that I like to put things in your drawer before I leave every day. But it would be too obvious if she directly pried open your drawer and took away the CD and sheet music Yes. Everyone thought she did it! So she thought she was clever and created a 'thief stealing accident'. In this way, my file bag caught in other stolen items is not important! Everyone will think that The thief probably took it away, found out that it wasn't money, and maybe threw it in the trash."

"But Miss Estelle, think about it. If you were a thief, would you rush to take it without opening it to see what was inside after stealing it? When you opened it and found that it was worthless, Will you just throw it nearby, or will you bother to take it out and throw it in the trash can outside?"

With playful eyes on her face, "I guess there were no fingerprints of the thief left at the scene."

"There are no clues like fingerprints left."

The corner of her face curled up, "It means that the thief smartly wore gloves when stealing things. Since she is not afraid of leaving fingerprints, she found out that there were only a few pieces of 'waste paper' and a piece of paper for her in my leather bag. Why does she have to take away the disc when it doesn't work and she doesn't know the contents?"

"You don't need to say it, I understand what you mean." Estelle already understood, "I asked the assistants to look for it, and there was no leather bag near my office, and I asked them to search the trash can, but there was no Things. I'll go to the president immediately and let him deal with it!"

She has been in this circle for so many years, and the most disgusting thing is that an artist of a company is still engaging in internal strife.

"I won't let Fu Ya go easily this time. I have to let the company come forward and teach her a lesson, lest she rely on her father to be unscrupulous in the company!"

Rong Yan stopped her before she hung up, "Don't go, Miss Estelle. We don't have evidence in our hands, and what I just told you is my speculation. If you come to the door, she can deny it. As long as she bites If she refuses to admit it, we have nothing to do with her."

Estelle heard that she had an idea, "What do you think?"

Her face was pale, but her eyes were astonishingly bright, and she said confidently, "This time I accidentally took advantage of someone else's loopholes. We didn't catch her when we caught the thief, so it's pointless to look for her later .Fortunately, there is still more than a week before the finals. I will go to the company right away. You can call Qiyue for me. At worst, we will write another one."

(End of this chapter)

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