My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 1005 Dragon Horn!

Chapter 1005 Dragon Horn!

After another cup of tea, Ye Chuchen and Muhun finally arrived.

Mu Hun looked at Ling Tian with resentful eyes, and those grievance eyes were full of complaints: Xiao Tianer, you are too bad, you actually betrayed me!

"Oh, brother Mu, have you entered the underground palace and obtained the inheritance?"

Xiao Yu looked at Mu Hun and was shocked.

"What inheritance?" Mu Hun was stupid, and his reaction felt half a beat slow.

"It's the inheritance of the dragon!"

"I was originally a dragon, so what else do I inherit?"

"Ah? Then why do you suddenly have dragon horns growing on your head?"

Dragon Horn?

He doesn't have a shapeshifting body, where did he get the dragon horns?
Mu Hun reached out to touch his head suspiciously, his face changed instantly, and he yelled: "Ah, pain, pain, pain!"

"Oh, does the long dragon's horn hurt? Then you go back later and ask your wife to give you some medicine."

Mu Hun glanced at his wife with resentment, and said with a deflated mouth: "My lady won't care about my life or death."

Xiao Yu was startled: "Ah? Why? Doesn't your wife love you the most?"

"It's not a dragon's horn at all, it's a bag that was beaten out by my wife."

Xiaoyu: "..."

"Pfft!" Ling Tian couldn't hold back, and sprayed.

Although she knew that Mu Hun was repaired by Xiao Chen'er, she really didn't expect to be repaired so badly.

So when Xiao Yu was talking about Longjiao, she also looked at Longjiao several times curiously.

It turned out that the two dragon horns were so big that they were punched out.


"Xiao Chen'er, are you going back to the meeting now?"


"Okay, then you go to the meeting, I will go to Wang Qi, and you will meet me when the time comes."

"it is good."

After leaving the imperial mausoleum, Mu Hun turned into Concubine Yugui again, following Ye Chuchen with a miserable face.Ling Tian left with Xiao Yu and Feng Heng.

"Saint." On the way back, Ye Chuchen called Huang Yi.

"What is the emperor's order?"


"I didn't see anything, hear anything, or know anything about what happened tonight."

"Of course, otherwise, if you leak half a word... No, you can't leak half a word. You know the reason."

Huang Yi: "..." This kind of threat is too scary.

"I want to tell you that after the staff meeting tonight, I will be leaving. At the meeting, you will help me do the work for the ministers, understand?"

"Is... um? Ah? Leave? Where is the emperor going? Isn't it the religion of God?"

"What are you doing back there? There is still a long road ahead of me, and the Azure Dragon Empire and the Divine Cult are just a node in this long journey."

Huang Yi was shocked: "The emperor means that you want to leave the Azure Dragon Empire forever?"

"This, I will talk about it later. In short, you remember that what you have to do is to help me do the work for the ministers. Understand?"


Back in the palace hall, all the ministers above the second rank had already been waiting here for more than half an hour.Already impatient, Ye Chuchen showed up with Mu Hun and Huang Yi.

"Your Majesty, why did you bring a noble concubine with you when you summoned a group of ministers to discuss matters at night?"

"Your Majesty, the harem is not allowed to interfere in politics. This is a rule you set."

"Your Majesty, the rules cannot be abolished. There is no rule without rules. Please also let the imperial concubine leave."

As soon as Ye Chuchen appeared, all the courtiers started chattering.

They don't like Concubine Yugui very much.

(End of this chapter)

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