My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 102 Do You Miss Me?

Chapter 102 Do You Miss Me?

After finishing speaking, Ling Jian instructed Ah Da and Ah Er again: "Protect Missy well."


Looking at Ling Jian who disappeared from sight, Ling Tian raised a sly smile: "Since I am your only master, you only need to listen to me, then you can go to the inner circle with me to have a look now!"

Unexpectedly, Ah Da and Ah Er, who had a dull expression just now, seemed to be different people at this moment, smiling one after another.

"Xiao Tian'er, didn't your uncle Ling not let you go to the inner circle? Why are you so disobedient?"

Suddenly, the ordinary-looking Ah Da spoke up.The melodious voice like a guqin echoed in Ling Tian's ears, and she couldn't help opening her mouth wide, staring at Di Wushang who was pretending to be Ah Da.

"My lord, this subordinate suddenly realized that I still have something to do, so let's take a step first."

After all, "A Er" with sword-browed star eyes blinked at Ling Tian, ​​and then rushed into the forest with a "whoosh" and disappeared.

It's Feiyu!
"Little Tian'er, I haven't seen you for a few days, do you miss me?"

Although at this moment Di Wushang has changed from a glamorous evildoer to a man who could not be more ordinary, but once he took off the disguise, the lazy temperament that radiated from him made this ordinary face instantly become radiant.

"You...why are you here?"

Since the day they left for the capital to report on their duties, Ling Tian hadn't seen Di Wushang again.It has been six days since that day.

"Didn't I say that I would go to the capital with you? Your Uncle Ling is too strict with you, and I can't find a chance to get close to you, so I can only wrong myself to become like this. But this is also good, and finally I can live every day." Together with my little Tianer."

Looking at Di Wushang's smiling eyes, Ling Tian was also very happy.

"How did you shorten your height to this? And how did you change the color of your pupils and hair?" Ling Tian looked at Di Wushang in disbelief, completely unaware of the clever disguise technique he used.

"After reaching a certain level, as long as I want, I can."

"What level?" Ling Tian's eyes lit up, she thought the same!
Di Wushang stroked the damp hair on Ling Tian's forehead, smiled fondly and said, "As soon as you reach the level where you can change your appearance at will, I will tell you right away."

Ling Tian pouted.

So, how badly is she behind in the eyes of Di Wushang and Uncle Ling?
"Little Tian'er, you haven't told me yet, I haven't seen you in six days, do you miss me?"

Under Di Wushang's expectant eyes, Ling Tian smiled slyly: "As long as you answer my question just now, I will answer your question just now!"

Di Wushang was amused by Ling Tian's small belly.

"Xiao Tianer, it is a good thing to have goals, but our goals should not be too far away from reality, otherwise we will either give up easily, or form demons, which will affect future development. So it's not that I don't want to tell you, but I don't want to watch you turn a certain expectation into a demon. Understand?
But my little Tian'er is so powerful, and he has been able to practice such a powerful martial art in only six short days without seeing each other. I believe it won't be long before we know this secret. "

"Huh? You have seen my special martial skill?" Ling Tian was a little disappointed.

Because the martial skill she practiced was a martial skill that she inadvertently opened the space of Tongtianyu, and in the space, bought it with the karma points of the Onmyoji.

(End of this chapter)

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