My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 1023 I really want to destroy the whole world

Chapter 1023 I really want to destroy the whole world

This is simply too unbearable for a pure soul with a cleanliness.

As a result, he just broke free from the grip of the perverted woman, and the next moment, he returned to the embrace of the pervert who touched his chest hair.

This time, the pervert put him around his chest, and raised his hands on his stomach and chest.

Quan Moying: "...=_=!!" I really want to destroy this world, what should I do?
"Master Feng seems to like this cat very much?"

Ling Tian, ​​who had been silent all this time, finally recovered from the confusion and spoke.

Feng Heng's eyes lit up when he heard it, and he nodded, "My subordinates have no resistance to these little furry things since they were young. When they see them, they can't help but want to pet them and raise them."


The lord was so disgusted by his words that he retched.

What to do, he is a soul, although he also eats, but what he eats has already been excreted by spiritual power, and he can't spit out anything at all.But he was really uncomfortable.

"What kind of cat is this? Pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger! Warning, stay away from my wife, or I will cook your cat meat!"

Mu Hun warned the lord with disgust, and said to Ye Chuchen: "Lady, don't be fooled by the appearance of this cat, it is not an ordinary cat, don't touch it, it's dirty!"

Ye Chuchen: "..."

Quan Moying: "...!!" He is a pure soul, where is he dirty? !Grass!No wonder it became a retard!
"Master Feng, you still give it to me. It was transformed by the black mist just now. It's just that its energy has been sealed by me."

Seeing that the cat had been tossed to the point where it was only half breathed, Ling Tian opened his mouth slowly.


Feng Heng was startled, and looked at Ling Tian in shock.Seeing that she didn't seem to be lying, she looked down at the cat in her arms, and saw that she was stroking his chest hair at the moment, and was still stroking it.

The hand paused slightly, and the next moment, imagining that he was touching the chest hair of a thousand-year-old monster, his scalp felt numb and tight.


Just when the lord was depressed, Ling Tian knew that he was the one who plotted against her, and her strength was also sealed by her. For such a long time, she was watching a good show, watching herself being touched by a pervert. But when justice was not upheld, and when he was very angry, he felt a strong force coming from him instantly.

The next moment, the pervert who was still touching the hair on his chest flipped his palm and knocked him to the ground.

The strength of the lord has been sealed by a talisman with terrifying power, facing the fierce slap of the Lingzun...

High above the sky, in the gap between the nether world and the human world, the three subordinates of the lord shuddered in unison, watching helplessly as the lord who was unparalleled in martial arts was shot into the ground without any power to fight back. In the pit.

The pit is 50 meters deep. Fortunately, the lord is a body formed by the condensed soul, not an entity.Otherwise, if they were slapped like this by the Lingzun, they can guarantee that the lord will definitely die without life.

But even so, Quan Moying was seriously injured.Dying lying in the pothole, he couldn't even move his fingers.

The next moment, the Lord Lord's small body was supported by a yellow halo, and Ling Tian held it in his hand.

"Xiao Tian'er, is this kitten the black mist that attacked you just now?"

(End of this chapter)

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