Chapter 1026
"If it weren't for most of my soul being sealed, just like you, I would be able to fight ten green dragons by myself now!"

A soldier can be killed but not humiliated.

After all, he is also the majestic lord of the nether world, the king of the world, how could he endure being hit on the head by this stupid dragon all the time?

"Crack!" It was another explosion.

But this time it was Yechuchen who called.

The lord looked at Ye Chuchen resentfully, but saw her roll her eyes at him.

"Look at that! I've never seen such a good-looking woman, have I?"

"..." Grass, how can someone like you be considered a woman?You are at best a tomboy!
"This is Lao Tzu's man, why don't you try to kill him again!"

"Fuck! They said don't beat me on the head! Why is it so great to have a man and a wife? Humph! This lord..."

Just about to make a threat, Mu Hun, Ling Tian and Ye Chuchen narrowed their eyes for an instant, and Quan Moying choked back the threat he blurted out: "I am a good man and don't fight with women!"


The lord was knocked on the head again, this time it was Ling Tian.

"They said don't beat this deity on the head! A scholar can be killed but not humiliated!"

"Okay, then I'll kill you!"

After all, in Ye Chuchen's astonished expression, Ling Tian conjured a butterfly out of thin air again.

Quan Moying, who had already endured the pain caused by this strange butterfly, knew that he was no match for this butterfly at the moment, so his big watery eyes suddenly stared, and he roared: "Woman, listen to your own words! A scholar can be killed but not humiliated! But it is the deity himself who strikes first, so if you hit the deity twice, the deity can also forget the villain's mistakes!"


Ye Chuchen was overwhelmed by the integrity of this shameless cat.

So is Ling Tian.

"It seems that you also know the horror of the underworld butterfly in my master's hand. So next, if I ask you, you'd better answer truthfully."

snort!Think beautifully!
"Who are you? I didn't provoke you, why did you kill me?"

Quan Moying was furious when he heard this question.

"Hmph, woman, the Hunyuan Continent has been under the joint control of the Netherworld and the Human World since ancient times, and no one is allowed to cross the threshold. The souls of the Netherworld cannot enter the human world, and humans cannot enter the Netherworld.

Only the souls of dead warriors at the Holy Spirit level can enter the Nether Realm and enjoy the cultivation resources of the Nether Realm. Only after the soul power has reached the Holy Spirit level again can they re-enter the Human Realm in the form of phantom spirits or phantom beasts.

But you broke the rules, why did you say the deity wanted to kill you? "

Ling Tian frowned: "What rule did I break? I entered your Netherworld? Or I am a soul, but I set foot in the human realm without your permission?"

"Still pretending to be garlic!" Quan Moying was pissed off by this woman, changed her usual femininity and charm, and roared angrily: "Human beings are not allowed to capture souls at will, especially those souls above the Holy Spirit level, they are all from the Netherworld. People! This is the rule of peaceful coexistence between the Netherworld and the Human World, but you arrested our people in front of the Netherworld envoys.

Previously, the souls of two powerful spirit warriors disappeared for no apparent reason, and this incident was highly valued by my Netherworld. Later, my subordinates personally saw that you imprisoned the souls of spirit saint warriors with that strange butterfly, and came back Informed the deity of this matter. "

 Congratulations to the 2nd floor I miss..., the 7th floor Purple Butterfly, the 12th floor sexy is not sao winning the prize
(End of this chapter)

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