Chapter 1038

"Time to eat!"

Following Ye Chuchen's call, Feng Heng, Xiao Yu and Wang Qi in the cockpit walked in happily.

To be honest, since they tasted Ling Tian and Ye Chuchen's cooking, they really don't want to go out to eat other things.

No wonder whether it's Fengyun or Muhun, they all treasure the dishes made by their wife so much.

Because although these two girls sometimes do things a little unreliably, the things they make are really delicious!

"The first dish - spicy small yellow croaker!"

With Ye Chuchen reporting the name of the dish, Mu Hun put a large plate of spicy small yellow croaker on the table.

Little yellow croaker!
It turned out to be a small yellow croaker!

What a delicious little yellow croaker!

Having been the lord of the nether world for thousands of years, this is the first time he has smelled such a fragrant fish!Is this... is it really the scent that the little yellow croaker emits?

That chili mixed with fish aroma...

Aww, what should I do if my saliva is about to flow out?
Just when Quan Moying struggled to resist the smell of fish and suppressed the urge to rush forward and throw all these small yellow croakers into his mouth, Ye Chuchen spoke again.

"The second dish - braised small yellow croaker."

Another little yellow croaker? !

Another scent!Another sense!
Unlike the fragrant kiss mixed with chili, the aroma of braised small yellow croaker is more intense and mellow.

This is simply delicious!

"The third dish - fried small yellow croaker."

Depend on! ! !Still a fish! !

These two women, they did it on purpose!Knowing that he loves fish the most, he likes to eat any kind of fish, so he specially cooks fish in front of him.Eyeing him, wanting him to surrender because of this.

It's just too nasty!
So scheming!

But when he smelled the fried small yellow croaker, Quan Moying's body trembled again.

Why can fried small yellow croakers be so fragrant?It smells so outrageous?

What did these two women do to the little yellow croaker?
"The fourth course - stewed small yellow croaker in tomato beer."


Quan Moying couldn't bear it anymore, and burst out a sound like howling a wolf, and rushed onto the table with a "whoosh".

"You two women, don't think that using such despicable, dirty and dirty methods can make this deity succumb to your despotic power. This deity is the majestic lord of the underworld, how can you two humble human women eat a fish meal? Can you buy it?"

After finishing speaking, Quan Moying stretched out her claws and grabbed the fried small yellow croaker closest to her.

"Meow, it's hot! Damn, don't you guys let the food cool down before serving it?"

Quan Moying's pink paws were instantly burnt red by the deep-fried small yellow croaker just out of the oven. While screaming and criticizing Ling Tian and Ye Chuchen, he put a whole small yellow croaker into his mouth.

The little yellow croaker was too big, and the cat's mouth was too small, but Quan Moying just put the whole fish into his mouth alive.

"Meaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa did you mess up! (Meow, I scalded my deity to death!) "

Apart from being able to fly and jump in front of Ling Tian, ​​Quan Moying didn't even have the slightest bit of spiritual power.Tears rolled from the hot fried small yellow croaker just out of the oven.

Even so, he didn't spit out the little yellow croaker. Instead, trying to get his mouth full of foam, he stretched out his claws, grabbed the little yellow croaker by its tail, and pulled it outward.

A complete fish bone with head and tail appeared in Quan Moying's claws.

Chewing the deep-fried small yellow croaker in his mouth, Quan Moying couldn't help closing his eyes because of this brand-new, almost maddeningly delicious taste.

(End of this chapter)

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