My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 1041 Big Ha 2 Ha and 3 Ha

Chapter 1041 Daha Erha and Sanha

Mu Hun curled his lips: "Is it a good animal pet if you don't betray? I heard from Xiao Tian'er that this 'Loyalty Ghost Talisman' will only suppress ghosts who are not loyal. If you are loyal to Xiao Tian'er, you have already recovered by now." Lingzun is in the peak state. Look at your mentally retarded appearance now, you are a weak chicken, and you are ashamed to eat the food made by Xiaotianer and my wife. When did you become loyal, come and eat!"

After finishing speaking, Mu Hun flicked his finger and directly sent Quan Moying flying out.

"Damn stupid dragon, you..."

"If you scold my Muhun again, you will really have nothing to eat!"

After Ye Chuchen's voice fell, Quan Moying swallowed the rest of the words.

The three brothers Long Curse, Long Xiang, and Long Yin saw that their lord was in such a miserable state. Although they were so greedy, they didn't dare to eat it.

"You eat it, why don't you eat it?" Ling Tian asked with a bright face.

"My lord, he..."

"He is him, and you are you." As he spoke, Ling Tian seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly realized: "I remembered, you are accomplices. You have been with him from the beginning, trying to put me in the wrong place." Those three people who died."

The three brothers of the Long family: "...!!" You didn't realize this until you sat down at the dinner table, isn't it a bit late!

Ling Tian narrowed his eyes slightly: "So you..."

"My lord has now become the girl's phantom beast, and we are willing to become the girl's phantom beast!"

"Yes, yes! The three of us brothers and my lord will always be together."

"Since the girl has already accepted my lord, let's take the three of us together. From now on, the three of us will be able to take care of the girl together with the lord."

"...!!!" At this moment, Quan Moying really regretted it.He didn't understand why he fell in love with these three idiots back then.

Tangtang Lingzun, betrayed himself so happily.

Is it just for this table of little yellow croakers?

Ling Tian was stunned: "You are all phantom beasts? Not phantom spirits?"

"We are all phantom beasts!" The three brothers said in unison, returning to their original forms.

Looking at the three brothers of the Long family who had returned to their original form, Ling Tian and Ye Chuchen couldn't help but burst out laughing.

The three brothers were dumbfounded, and each made a dumbfounded expression.That look is exactly the same as the expression pack.

Then the two little girls couldn't help laughing anymore.

"Devil, what are you laughing at?"

Although the three of his subordinates are indeed ugly, it is not enough to make them laugh like this.

But Ling Tian and Ye Chuchen couldn't help but look at the three brothers of the Long family.

Because these three brothers turned out to be three dogs!

The dragon curse is Daha Samoyed, the dragon face is Erha Shiqi, and the dragon seal is Sanha Alaska.

Looking at the three sledges in front of them, they will think of the emojis of various shapes on the earth, and they can't help laughing.

"Ahahaha, it turned out to be three dogs, or Daha, Erha, and Sanha."

The three Long family brothers were taken aback, and said in unison: "How do you know our nickname?"

Ling Tian and Ye Chuchen were also taken aback for a moment, and then laughed even more happily.

The three brothers of the Long family felt that their majesty was underestimated, and immediately showed their power.

"Miss Ling, Miss Ye, although you know the nicknames of the three of us, the three of us are not dogs!"

"Is it a dog or a wolf?" Ye Chuchen couldn't help but asked with a smile.

(It’s the beginning of winter, everyone should keep warm! Please ask for a monthly ticket and a recommended ticket!)

 Congratulations to Jingxuanxiao on the 2nd floor, spring blossoms on the 5th floor, and a joke on the 7th floor for winning the lottery.Please add me Q: 2755579223 to receive the award.

(End of this chapter)

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