Chapter 1043
"That's right, think about it a bit. Although the girl needs our protection, with her strength, she might be able to help us solve the hidden dangers in the Netherworld."

"That's right! We are now a family, and our three brothers have volunteered to become the girl's Eudemons for you, Lord Lord, so don't be angry anymore."

The three brothers of the Long family gobbled up the small yellow croaker while persuading their lord.

Quan Moying watched as the delicious small yellow croakers on the table were decreasing at an extremely fast rate, and the whole cat was not well.

"Damn, how does this deity know how to respect you in order to let your spiritual power return? This deity has already confessed, what do you want from this deity?"

"It's one thing to confess, but it's another thing to be sincerely convinced. As long as you feel from the bottom of your heart that this girl is a good person, the best person, and a good master worthy of your lifelong entrustment, your spiritual power will naturally return.

This girl doesn't ask you to become the peak strength of Lingzun immediately, as long as your strength can return to the level of Huang Lingsheng, you can eat at the table. "

Quan Moying glanced at Ling Tian. Although he still felt extremely aggrieved in his heart, those three unreliable people were right. He was bound by the blood contract when he was happy, and he was also bound by the blood contract when he was unhappy. This has become a reality. an indisputable fact.

Be happy, you can still have small yellow croakers to eat.

So Quan Moying thought silently in his heart: "Ling Tian is the best person, the best person, and a good master worthy of my entrustment for life!"

Suddenly, there was a wave of spiritual power in the body.

Having tasted the sweetness, Quan Moying continued to recite the mantra silently in his heart: "Ling Tian is the best person, the best person, and a good master worthy of my entrustment for life!"

After countless times, Quan Moying found that the spiritual power in his body was rising steadily, and after finally reaching the level of the Holy Spirit, he stopped reciting the spell silently and flew onto the table.

After all, eating is the most important thing at this moment.

But the moment he was on the table, the black grape-like cat's eyeballs almost fell off.

"Damn! Are you pigs or dogs? You don't even leave any food for this deity, you are simply too much——"

Leicheng, which is inland of the Western Continent, is crowded with people today, and the main streets of the entire city are lined with crowds of onlookers.

On the main street, a ten-mile red carpet was laid, and the [-] black armored guards from the imperial palace cleared the way. Behind, the emperor of Xizhou, Huangfu Gongchen, was walking towards a large mansion with a cup in his hand, leading all the civil and military officials from the imperial palace. Go, didn't stop until he got outside the gate of Gu Mansion.

"Look, let me tell you, the former Generalissimo Gu Qianchou lives in the Gu residence!"

"I really didn't expect that this Gu mansion is indeed the mansion of Marshal Gu."

"The emperor brought all the civil and military officials to see him with great fanfare this time, probably because he wanted to ask him to go back and take up the post of generalissimo?"

"Isn't there a new Grand Marshal in the court now?"

"Your news is too late. I heard that the new Generalissimo was eager for quick success. In order to embarrass Generalissimo Gu in front of the emperor and Yang Wei, he took one hundred thousand troops to challenge the old nest of the field army in the imperial capital despite the repeated stop of Generalissimo Gu. Not to mention his own death, he also tricked the emperor's [-] troops into it."

"One hundred thousand troops? All dead?"

"Isn't it? This is dead! 10 people! It's just gone!"

"I also heard that the family members of these [-] soldiers went to the imperial palace for a meeting. There was a lot of noise about this incident some time ago."

(End of this chapter)

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