My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 1045 Convincing Gu Chou

Chapter 1045 Convincing Gu Qianchou

You know, she was the ancestor who played five-finger chess in the past, and she was the one who abused the two girls Ling Tian and Ye Chuchen.

However, Gu Qianchou is indeed an expert at deploying troops, but he can see if she is a little tricky.

So when Gu Qianchou put the last piece on the board, they still couldn't decide the winner.

The two looked at each other, and saw a smile in each other's eyes.

"I have already made the oath of Thunder Tribulation in front of Huangfu Gongchen, which is enough for him to trust. After I am sure that I will die when he dies, for him, I am equivalent to signing an unequal agreement with him. The ancient blood contract is a more trustworthy existence than spirit beasts, phantom spirits, and phantom beasts.

In his opinion, let alone the 80 soldier talismans, he is also relieved to hand over all the millions of troops in the West Continent to me.It's just that if all of them are handed over to me, I'm afraid it will be criticized by other officials or the common people.So now leaving the most important 20 Chinese army, and then handing over the remaining 80 southeast and northwest troops to me, it can better reflect his sincerity. "

"En." Hua Lixiao nodded.

"someone is coming."

After Gu Qianchou's voice fell, Hua Lixiao felt the aura of someone coming this way.

After a while, Hu Ziqi appeared outside the flower hall.

Seeing Hu Ziqi, Hua Liming frowned slightly.Before he had time to speak, Gu Qianchou said displeasedly: "You seem to have overstepped."

Hu Ziqi looked at the blooming flowers inside, and after Gu Qianchou knew that Hua Lixiao liked flowers and built a beautiful flower hall for her, a deep, almost irrepressible madness flashed across her eyes. , raised a somewhat ugly smile and said: "Qianqiu, I seem to have heard the emperor talking outside. He brought all the civil and military officials to apologize to you, and also sent you 80 soldier symbols."

80 soldiers, that was absolutely impossible for Gu Qianchou before.

With these 80 soldier talismans, Gu Qianchou can truly be regarded as standing at the pinnacle of the entire Xizhou continent.

Even though there are many high-ranking Spiritual Venerables on this continent, they are incomparable to Gu Qianchou who has an army of 80.

He can be regarded as possessing the top power in this continent.

At this moment, Hu Ziqi was so regretful that her intestines turned black.

If she is still the lofty Aunt Hu of Zeng Jin, what is the difference between her now and those imperial concubines in the Xizhou Imperial Palace?

For a village woman in the mountains, this is something she never dared to think about.

So after hearing Huangfu Gongchen say that she would offer 80 soldier talismans, she couldn't sit still in Gu Rui's room anymore, and rushed to the flower hall.

However, when she saw Gu Qianchou and Hua Lixiao looking at each other and smiling, looking so harmonious among the flowers, she had already figured out how to speak, how to behave, and how she should behave, and her jealousy was extinguished .

I don't know why, although I have warned myself countless times in my heart, before turning over, don't be an enemy of Hua Lixiao again, and must treat her sincerely and dispel her doubts.

But every time she saw the elegance and gentleness that Gu Qianchou showed when facing her, she couldn't help but go crazy.

The nails in the sleeves have been deeply clamped into the flesh, watching this warm scene, she is really jealous!

Hua Yukun has already been demoted, so how can Hua Yukun's daughter skyrocket?
(End of this chapter)

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