My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 1049 For the sake of goosebumps

Chapter 1049 For the sake of goosebumps

, and should not be mixed with any personal feelings and ideas.

For the master, you are just looking after the house, and you are not yet qualified to be subordinates who can judge right from wrong at will. "

"Even this commander is still not qualified to be the real subordinate of the master. This commander doesn't dare to have any ideas. Why do you guys have your own ideas when you are new here?"

After a few words, the guards who asked were speechless.

"Okay, I'm going to go out to meet the emperor, and the rest will be dealt with when I come back."

After finishing speaking, he looked at Hua Lixiao and said, "Xiao'er, follow me out to meet the emperor."

"En." Hua Lixiao nodded.

The next moment, Gu Qianchou took her hand again and held it firmly in his palm.

Now this man is getting more and more comfortable eating her tofu.

Seeing the backs of Gu Qianchou and Hua Lixiao walking away together, Hu Ziqi's expression could no longer be maintained for an instant, and the extreme ferocity suddenly appeared in their tightly clasped hands.

But the next moment, Cheng En suddenly laughed out loud.

Squatting in front of Hu Ziqi, she looked interested, provocative, and asked sarcastically, "Isn't it dazzling? Do you have a feeling that your heart is being hacked into pieces?
do you know?Seeing that your heart is twisted like a knife, this Commander feels happy!You are not allowed to enter Gu's house on weekdays, maybe you don't know that the relationship between my master and wife is getting better now.The madam is the person on the cusp of the master's heart, and she is afraid of melting in her mouth on weekdays, and afraid of falling if she holds it in her hand.As long as the wife likes and wants, the master will give it away without hesitation.Even if it is not his own, he will create conditions to get it if he cannot get it.Just smile for the Pomeranians.

Look at how long Madam married into the mansion, but now she has become the lord's favorite.But what about you?You have stayed by the master's side for so many years, but you ended up with the dismal ending of a second wife.Do you know why?

Because you are not only hypocritical, disgusting, vicious, and cheap, but you are also ugly!Ugly!I often think, didn't you look in the mirror when you were secretly fighting for favor with your wife?
His martial arts are not as good as his wife's, his looks are not as good as his wife's, his temper is not as good as his wife's, and his background is not as deep as his wife's.What do you think you are qualified to argue with your wife?

The only one who has a son is not the blood of the master!Hold the grass!Hu Ziqi, your whole body is really rotten from the inside to the outside.You didn't take advantage of the young master's obedience to gain a foothold in the mansion, but you went upright to compete with your wife to be jealous, and even used us two brothers.You are simply... saying you are disgusting is flattering you, you know?

I dare to swear with my life, now that the lord sees you, he is absolutely forging the nausea in his heart.If the master doesn't disgust you, I, Cheng En, will be struck to death by the thunder calamity immediately! "

Anyway, he was about to be chased away by his master, and Cheng En felt that there was no point in living in this world.So he stimulated Hu Ziqi with the most vicious words and the cruelest facts.At the same time, I want to prove a fact.

So he took an oath.


There was a thunderclap across the sky.Lei Jie made an oath.

However, the next moment, the sky continued to be as clear as before, and even the thunderclouds did not move.

Seeing this, Cheng En couldn't help laughing out loud.

"Did you see? Master is a man of self-cultivation. He has never said that he feels disgusted when he sees you, but God has proved his intentions."

(End of this chapter)

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