My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 1059 Conditions

Chapter 1059 Conditions
Hua Lixiao turned around and glanced at Hongyu who said she was going to leave but followed, and said indifferently, "It seems that he doesn't appreciate your favor."

"Hua Lixiao, shut up. If it wasn't for you, how could I have come to this point? You forced me to do everything!"

"Tell me, what exactly do you want?"

Hua Lixiao was too lazy to talk fast with a woman like Hu Ziqi, and didn't even have the desire to scold her.

"Hua Lixiao, at this moment, I am very glad that you are a person with high cultivation talent, and you have enough conditions to make the Thunder Tribulation Vow. A person can only make three Thunder Tribulation Vows a day, so if you don't want Rui'er If you die, you will make the following three oaths according to what I said.

First: You, Hua Liming, will bring me, Hu Ziqi, back to the Marshal's Mansion, admit my identity as an aunt, and let Qianchou love me and pamper me for the rest of my life, otherwise you will be killed by the thunderbolt.

Second: You Hua Liming and the people around you will not take revenge on me, Hu Ziqi, in any way, otherwise when I die, you will die too.

Third: From now on, we will live in harmony, let thousands of enemies enjoy the rain and dew, and you must not compete with me, otherwise you will be killed by the thunderstorm.

As long as you make these three Thunder Tribulation Oaths, I will let Rui'er go. "

"..." Hua Lixiao didn't know what words to use to describe Hu Ziqi's request.



It seemed that these words were not enough to describe Hu Ziqi.

This is the first of the strange things she has encountered in her life.

She dared to bet that no matter how many enemies she had in her life, there would never be such a strange thing again.

"Hu Ziqi, you are still shameless. You asked your wife to give up her life just to save your son? You are the one who kidnapped your son! Are you embarrassed?"

"I'm sorry, what can I do? I have nowhere to go! The person who drove me to a dead end is Hua Liming. If she doesn't swear, then I will die here together with Rui'er today. When the time comes, my The soul will watch from the sky, how she will be criticized by thousands of people, and she will let such a young life disappear in the blooming season in order to compete for favor."

"Xiao'er, don't worry, I can break that formation."

Gu Qianchou's secret voice transmitted to Hua Lixiao's ears, and the voice was obviously full of anger.

He finally saw Hu Ziqi's viciousness, cruelty and perversion.

As for Hu Ziqi, before, he still wanted to save her life. After all, no matter how disgusting she was, she was also the original wife of the savior.

But at this moment, Gu Qianchou really wanted to kill Hu Ziqi.

"Don't make a move, I'll deal with her. If you make a move, the avatar will be exposed."

"But the dagger in her hand is not an ordinary thing. It is not only a seventh-grade spiritual weapon, but also has its own formation, which can only be broken by the spirit master level."

"I can crack it too!"

"Is this possible?" Gu Qianchou was surprised.

"Is this formation difficult to understand?"

"..." Well, he forgot that his family Xiao'er is the kind of genius who walks with a sword.

Maybe the force value is not strong enough, and it is really only a matter of running for your life when encountering a strong crush.But in terms of attainments in Dao talismans, inscription patterns, and formations, at least in this Hunyuan Continent, he has never seen anyone who is more powerful than her except the former Tongtian Sect Master.

He decided that when the relationship developed further, he must ask who her master was.No matter how powerful she is, she can't be self-taught, right?

(End of this chapter)

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