My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 1061 Holding grass is so cheap!

Chapter 1061 Holding grass is so cheap!

"But Gu Rui is Brother Gu's son, even if he is not his own son, he is also the son of his benefactor.

I know Brother Gu's feelings for Gu Rui. If he were here, even if he risked his life, Brother Gu would not hesitate to save Gu Rui.

Although you have been coerced today, Hu Ziqi still made you make a vow of thunder disaster, but as she said, as long as she is under strict protection, you will not die, right?Since it won't hurt your life, but it will save Gu Rui's life if you suffer a little, you should agree! "

Hua Lixiao looked at Hongyu, she still had that pretentious and lofty look when she spoke.When talking to her, her chin was raised slightly, as if she was nobler than others.This made Hua Lixiao feel uncomfortable.

"Miss Hongyu really doesn't hurt her back when she talks standing up. Since this Thunder Tribulation Vow is so easy to post, then you can post one and try it."

"Huh, Hu Ziqi made you swear, not me. Why did I bury myself?"

"Oh. What if I make you swear?" Hua Lixiao looked at her with great interest.

"Why should I accept your threat?" Hongyu stared, thinking that Hua Lixiao was unreasonable.

"Because my wife thinks you are a potential threat. The so-called praying mantis stalks cicadas and orioles is behind. My wife swears according to her words, but you find a way to kill her. If she dies, my wife must die too. Killing one is equivalent to killing two, wouldn't it kill two birds with one stone?"

"Hua Lixiao, are you crazy? Why did I kill Hu Ziqi? And why did I kill you?"

"Because you want to be an oriole! You adore my Qianqiu family and want to get rid of me so as to facilitate user Ziqi and kill two birds with one stone. Isn't that the best way to say it?"

Hongyu was furious: "Bloody spitting! Who said that I love Brother Gu and want to kill you?"

It was these words that Hua Lixiao was waiting for, and a beautiful smile appeared on her cold face.

"Then do you dare to make the thunder robbery oath? Say you don't admire my family's Qianqiu, and don't want to get rid of this lady? If you dare to swear, this lady will dare to swear."

Everyone looked at Hongyu, and she couldn't get off the stage for an instant, her face turned red, not because of shyness, but because of anger.

"It's not that I dare not swear, but why should I swear for you? What are you? You're just..."

Before Hongyu finished speaking, Hua Lixiao swore: "If Hongyu didn't covet Gu Qianchou, didn't like him, didn't want to marry him, didn't want to kill me, and just let me go, then I would be killed by Lei immediately." Killed and killed."


The Thunder Tribulation Oath was established.

However, regardless of whether it is successful or not, the Thunder Tribulation cannot be struck down.

The eyes in the sky were bright, but everyone below looked at Hongyu with deep eyes.

"Hold the grass, how cheap!"

"That's not true! Looking at her innocent and noble appearance, I thought she was just intervening in Marshal Gu's family affairs as a friend, but I didn't expect her thoughts to be so vicious."

"If I were Mrs. Gu, I would immediately order her to be kicked out. It would be so cheap."

"If I were Mrs. Gu, I would tell Marshal Gu about this and keep him away from her."

The onlookers of the black armored guards talked one after another below.

They are not afraid of the vice-master of the Xizhou Soul Palace who is so troublesome.

They are the Black Armored Guards of Xizhou, and they are protected by the imperial court.

 Congratulations to the singer on the Naihe Bridge on the 2nd floor, Chong on the 7th floor, Nuangang girl on the 12th floor, the lingering jokes on the 17th floor, and Youge on the 22nd floor, congratulations to the babies who won the prize, please add me Q2755579223
  I saw many babies asking when the update will be released. Answer: The update has ended, and there is no chance for the next update.For the next book, if you want the author to have a second or third chance to make a big update, just use your subscription to love me.Because the subscription is not up to the standard when the update is released, there will be no more chances for the update.Therefore, this book will be updated at a constant speed until the end, and will not be updated continuously. Let's work hard together in the next book.This book has also entered the second half, cherish every day we spend together, let us spend together and accompany us together!Meme Zha

(End of this chapter)

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