Chapter 1086

The two handsome guys were swollen into pig heads that even their mother would never recognize.

"It's really... cruel!" Hua Lixiao couldn't help but said.

"Senior Sister Hua, you just know! Gu Qianchou is really a ruthless character, you will have no future if you follow him."

"Xiao'er, don't pay attention to him, he is just a villain who sows discord. You and I know best when we get along day and night."

"whispering sound--"

Beixuanmo sneered, and stretched out his hand, trying to grab the thick thigh of the roast duck.

Gu Qianchou stretched out his other leg without saying a word.

The two of them were not polite, they simply regarded her as air.

Hua Lixiao subdued the shame of these two people, she held the trunk and gently moved it around, and she took the whole roast duck up.

The hands of both of them were empty, and they looked at Hua Lixiao with resentful eyes.

"Gu Qianchou, you have already been abandoned by Senior Sister Hua, yet you still want to eat ducks, why are you not ashamed?!"

"My father has not been abandoned. I have asked Aunt Hua just now. Aunt Hua is willing to stay with my father. She loves my father just like me." Gu Rui immediately sold Hua Lixiao .

Hua Lixiao: "...!!"

Beixuanmo: "...!!!" It felt like a [-]-point critical blow!Has the dream of becoming the master's brother-in-law been killed in the cradle?

Gu Qianchou: "...!!!!"

Looking at Hua Liming, a gentle smile could not be restrained from the corner of her lips.

But this is normal.

Because he has turned into a pig's head at this moment, no matter how you look at this smile, it looks weird and hideous.

"Xiao'er, is it true?"

"Little man wins!"

Before Hua Lixiao could answer, Bei Xuanmo couldn't help but cursed.

He knew that his chances of winning were not great at all, so he took this opportunity today to try to take advantage of the loophole.

Unexpectedly, the loophole was not exploited, and he was beaten up.

I really feel aggrieved just thinking about it.

After being scolded by Bei Xuanmo this time, Gu Qianchou did not scold him for the first time, but still looked at Hua Lixiao with affection and said: "Xiao'er, thank you for staying. I swear, from now on , I will definitely love you, love you, cherish my life, and spend every day with you."

"Gu Qianchou, are you nasty? Are you not ashamed to say this in front of children?"

"Uncle Beixuan, although Rui'er is only five years old, Rui'er is already different from other five-year-old kids. And I didn't hear what Daddy said just now!"

Beixuanmo couldn't help but reached out and scratched Ruier's nose fiercely. In an instant, Ruier's nose turned red.

"Little boy, at a young age, just like your father, you can't learn well. Lying will make your nose grow longer. Didn't your mother teach you?"

Mentioning Hu Ziqi, Gu Rui's expression changed.

Bei Xuanmo already knew what happened today, and now that he sprinkled salt on the wound of a child, he felt a little embarrassed for a moment, and finally shut up.


Hua Lixiao was willing to follow him. Although he had been thinking about it, he didn't dare to have too much hope.

Because Hua Lixiao's attitude towards him has always been reserved, a little deliberate alienation.He understood that compared with her real family, the other party must be more important.

Some time ago, I seriously injured myself for acting, and have been recuperating at home.

(End of this chapter)

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