My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 1089 Let's Fight

Chapter 1089 Let's Fight
But now, in the face of two men who can look ugly, she really can't feel compassion.

"Who said I want to eat it for you? I roasted it for Ruier. Aren't you very good? Do you like to fight? You can fight again. I am going to catch another chicken to make beggar's chicken for Ruier .”

Their eyes lit up, and they said in unison: "Beggar Chicken?!"

What kind of chicken is that?Must be delicious too**? !
Hua Lixiao: "..." How did these two people get into such a high position?Can't hear the point at all!
"Xiao'er, have you ever been a beggar before? Can we do well together? I'll catch the chicken."

"I'm in charge of raising the fire, plucking hair, and doing chores!" Bei Xuanmo also said tacitly.

At this moment, he and Gu Qianchou looked extremely harmonious, not like enemies at all.

"You don't have to do anything, just go fight. When one of you is killed, I will bury the chicken bone with the dead person."

Gu Qianchou: "..."

Bei Xuanmo: "..."

Finding that Hua Liming was angry, the two people who had previously refused to give in to each other suddenly died down.

"Xiao'er, don't be angry, I won't argue with him anymore. From now on, whatever he scolds or beats me, I won't fight back."

Bei Xuanmo looked at Gu Qianchou, and said in a secret voice: "Little man! Despicable!"

But on the bright side, he said to Hua Lixiao: "Senior Sister Hua, I was wrong too. I shouldn't have fought and quarreled with him."

Hua Lixiao: "..." To these two people, Hua Lixiao felt so speechless.

So these two people were reincarnated as starving ghosts in their previous lives?Why do they get scared as soon as they touch something to eat?
In fact, Hua Lixiao didn't know that not only Gu Qianchou and Bei Xuanmo, but also Feng Yun and Mu Hun were like this.

It's not because they are foodies, but the food made by the three sisters from the earth is really delicious.

After all, once on Earth, Taoists can be said to be hidden masters, very rare.But in this Hunyuan Continent, everyone practiced, especially after reaching the level of the Spirit King, they basically didn't have to eat much, so whether it was a restaurant or a cook in a large force, they didn't have a good research on the dishes.

One reason is that there are few people eating, and the other reason is that even if everyone eats, they only eat some symbolically, focusing on meeting and discussing things in restaurants.So the people here are very researched on cultivation, but they don't pay much attention to the dishes.

So Feng Yun, Mu Hun and Gu Qianchou could really make chefs at the level of the three sisters, at least not yet.

"Do you really want to eat beggar's chicken?" Hua Lixiao asked suddenly.

The eyes of the two of them lit up. Although they didn't answer, their eyes, which were already swollen and squinted, were doubled by them at this moment, which is enough to show the hope in their hearts.

"I can make a beggar chicken for you each, and you can share the rest of the duck."

The eyes of the two of them widened again.

"But I have one condition."

"Senior Sister Hua, you know, I'll go up the knife mountain and down the oil pan for you!" This time it was Bei Xuanmo who first expressed his heart.

"With me here, who needs you to go up the mountain of swords and down the pan of oil?"

Gu Qianchou couldn't bear it anymore, and yelled at Bei Xuanmo again, then looked at Hua Lixiao and said, "Xiao'er, even if you don't eat chicken, as long as you have difficulties, you can tell me."

(End of this chapter)

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