My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 1116 Who is it?

Chapter 1116 Who is it?
A minister once said that a king should be exposed to both rain and dew.

As a result, one sentence fell, and his head fell.Immediately afterwards, the minister's younger sister, a certain concubine in the harem, also lost her head.At the same time, their nine clans were also buried with them.

This is Di Qianzhong.A tyrant whose strength surpassed all warriors in Hunyuan Continent.

So no one dares to take care of his affairs.

Now, all the courtiers are expressing their favor to this Concubine Huan, even if Concubine Huan intervenes in the affairs of the court, no one dares to say no.

But what the hell is the "Ling'er" that the concubine Huan is talking about?

Why did their father look like that?

But the next moment, after seeing the eyes of their father, all the princes couldn't help shivering down their backs.Even Feng Yun, who was always calm, had an ominous premonition in his heart at this moment.

This is the feeling that the beast feels when something dangerous is coming.

Once this feeling arises, there is nothing wrong with it.

When Di Qianzhong looked at them just now, I believe all the princes saw the flash of killing intent in his eyes.

Although I don't understand why the father has such a strong killing intent towards everyone, but the hearts of the princes are tightly raised at this moment.

Anyway, the saying that a tiger's poison does not eat its son would never be placed on their father.

"It's almost time, and almost all the civil and military officials are here, let's go."

"Okay." Concubine Huan nodded.

After that, Di Qianzhong took Concubine Huan by the shoulders and walked out side by side with her.

Seeing the backs of Emperor Qianzhong and Concubine Huan walking away hand in hand, the faces of King Qian, King Yong and King Qi who were kneeling on the ground instantly turned extremely ugly.

"Brother Qianwang, what happened?" King Jin couldn't help asking.

The king of Jin named Di Wuqing, ranked fifth, is the man of Qianwang.Originally, he shouldn't have asked such a question in front of many brothers, but seeing that the faces of King Yong and King Qi were as ugly as that of King Qian, he knew that they had encountered the same thing, so he asked in front of everyone.

Although the 17 people have their own camps, they can still unite sometimes.After all, their father was too powerful and unreliable.

"Wu Nian and Wu Yao are dead."

"What?" King Jin was taken aback.

Di Wunian and Di Wuyao had already joined King Qian many years ago, and they have always had a very good relationship with him.Now hearing that they died suddenly, although a group of princes were shocked, they also had their own calculations in their hearts.

"Wuwu and Wucang are also dead."

After King Qian, King Yong also spoke.


"Wuhen is also dead!" King Qi was the last to speak.

After he finished speaking, all the princes fell into a deathly silence.

If only two people died, and they were still the king, then everyone would stand aside and watch the joke.

But now one death is five.

And he is also the prince of the five Central Continent Imperial Palaces!

Even if the Great Emperor of Central Continent has made many enemies in other continents.But which of these princes is weak?Not to mention the terrorist forces established by each of them secretly, they are the people who follow them for 12 hours on weekdays. Except for the 17th brother who only has two peak powerhouses of the Blue Spirit Emperor, who else does not have two spirit venerables as guards?

Although there are many spiritual masters in the Hunyuan Continent, there are not many.It is definitely not an easy task to kill two Lingzun at once!
(End of this chapter)

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