Chapter 1132

How could they not understand Feng Yun's look?
Therefore, he deliberately released the three of them and did not kill them all.

The eyes of the three of them deepened, and they completely concealed their aura, but they hoped that Yunpin County Master would be a little more reliable, and after knowing that King Jin was a broken sleeve, he could quickly cast his eyes on them .

They could see the unconcealable disappointment in Princess Yunpin's eyes when King Jin said that.

Such disappointment is like being rejected by a lover who has been waiting for a long time.It's not like the first blind date at all.

"What did you say? Have the guts to say one more thing."

"Shang'er, what nonsense are you talking about?! Your father has said that he can clear the obstacles ahead for you. If you have any fear, just tell your father. Why do you say these things to make your father angry?"

Concubine Jin was so anxious that two herpes appeared on her mouth in an instant, and she looked at Feng Yun with a look of panic.But Feng Yun ignored her from the beginning to the end.

Not to mention that this woman is not his mother, even if she is, she is not worthy to be.

After rebirth, he has the memory of Emperor Wushang.In order to gain a foothold in the harem for herself, this woman led Di Wushang to Concubine Qi and made him kneel in front of King Qi.From then on, although he was also the prince, he became a dog beside Di Wudao.Until he was cheated to death by Di Wudao and he was reborn in this body.

So in this imperial palace, apart from Bei Xuanmo and several other ministers.No one is to be protected.

Faced with Concubine Jin's questioning, Feng Yun was very calm: "Concubine Mother, I am not lying. I really don't like women, and I don't have that kind of thought for women. Yunpin is such a good woman, it should be Marry a better prince."

Concubine Jin was almost overwhelmed by Feng Yun's words.

I've seen one that's not up to the mark, but I've never seen one that's so bad.

Such a good opportunity was ruined by this rebellious son.Not to mention Dijun, even she wanted to kill him directly to vent her hatred.

What's the use of keeping such a rebellious son?

It's just a puddle of mud that can't support the wall!

"So you would rather give up the crown prince than be with Princess Yunpin?" Di Qianzhong was in high spirits at this moment.

Everyone held their breath listening to King Jin's answer.


Feng Yun's voice wasn't too loud, but it was loud.

"Even if I say, if you don't marry Princess Yunpin, I will kill you. You won't marry either?"

"Not to marry."

In this matter, there is no room for negotiation and compromise.Otherwise, how would he explain to his little Tian'er?

At this moment, everyone looked down on King Jin.On the contrary, no one would look down on him at this moment.

Even the princes who usually feel that King Jin has sores in his head got to know King Jin again today.

King Jin is really the most hidden and the most powerful person among them.

All he lacked was time.

If he is given enough time to grow, he will definitely become the most dazzling one among all the princes.


Di Qianzhong scolded extremely displeased.

But Feng Yun didn't feel the familiar killing intent from him.He just knelt there tall and straight, facing the beauty, facing the power, unmoved.

Di Qianzhong seemed to have no other choice, and turned to look at Yunpin.

"Ling'er, King Jin likes a man. He would rather die than marry you. I really have no choice. Otherwise, you choose another one?"

(End of this chapter)

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