Chapter 1134

In a word, Huanmo was so choked that he didn't know what to say.

"So Huan'er, you don't need to use these words to provoke me. I said that I want to choose a husband-in-law for Feng Ling, so I will definitely choose a satisfactory one for her."

The courtiers and princes were also confused at the moment.Especially the princes, they don't know what to do at the moment.

In the end, everyone sat in their seats and did nothing.

"Since the sage also said that he would choose a husband that Ling'er is satisfied with, let's go for King Jin. The concubine can tell that Ling'er really likes King Jin, right Linger?"

"En." Feng Ling nodded.

Di Qian nodded emphatically: "Since Ling'er must marry King Jin, then I will grant the marriage."

"Father, my son will not accept this marriage. Princess Yunpin, the twisted melon is not sweet. This king doesn't like you at all. Can you bear someone who doesn't love you at all, and even hates you?" Do people live with you?"


Everyone took a breath, thinking that King Jin was simply crazy.It's just marrying a woman, if you don't like it, you can marry it and leave it at home!Why risk your own life?
"His Royal Highness, Ling'er fell in love with you at the first sight. Now your performance has confirmed Ling'er's feeling even more. You are different from any princes present. You have courage and courage that they don't have. There are also more delicate and clear thoughts than them. I know you are not broken sleeves, so if you don't like me, I will not force you. Feelings are cultivated slowly, we can be together first, and then slowly develop feelings, but good?"

"not good."

Feng Ling: "..."

Everyone: "..."

"His Royal Highness King Jin has a crush on you, right?"

"Whether you have someone you like or not, the king will not marry you."

"Why?" Feng Ling was about to cry.

She didn't understand why he was so indifferent to her when she was so good.


Feng Yun's words made everyone present gasp.

This King Jin...wasn't so bad-tempered before!


Finally, Di Qianzhong made a move.With one palm, Feng Yun was sent flying, hitting the pillar where Concubine Jin died just now.

A big mouthful of blood spewed out from Feng Yun's mouth. At this moment, he was lying on the ground in pain, unable to even stand up.

However, at this moment, he is still extremely proud.Although blood was still spurting from the mouth, there was no sign of fear at all.

"I'll ask you again, are you willing to take Yunpin as the princess? If you marry her, the crown prince will still be yours. If you don't marry her, then today is your day of death."

At this moment, the hostility from Di Qianzhong's body suddenly radiated, and the coercion of the Spiritual Venerable above the pinnacle oppressed everyone present to choke their breaths.

Feng Yun lay on the ground, narrowing his eyes slightly.

Di Qianzhong really wanted to kill him.

At this moment, Feng Yun really thanked his little Tian'er in his heart.

If it weren't for her, facing such a scene today, he would definitely die.

But now-

The corners of Feng Yun's lips curled up slightly, and the silver-gray broken hair cast a perfect shadow on his imposing face.

"Is she unable to get married, or is she born shameless and shameless? I have said that I feel disgusted when I see her, how can my father ask me to marry? Do you really think that my son is afraid of my father so I dare not marry her? This king You are not even afraid of death, so why lie to her? Such a shameless woman, how could the emperor like her?"

(End of this chapter)

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