My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 1144 Pediatrics

Chapter 1144 Pediatrics

But the palace master has been waiting until his neck is almost broken!
The Palace Master has been looking forward to his wife's arrival, but it has been delayed for several days.He has received several urging jade slips in the past few days.

But Feng Heng still didn't dare to say, he could only nod his head and say, "Yes."

After inquiring about the location of the saint, the group walked towards the town square.

"Long live the saint!"

"Long live the saint!"

"Long live the saint!"

As soon as I walked to the square, I heard the voices of the people shouting long live three times.

"Everyone be quiet, the Holy Maiden of the White Lotus is about to make alchemy for us, we must create a quiet environment for the Holy Maiden, don't we?"

Almost as soon as the voice fell, thousands of people in the square fell silent.

On the high platform of the square, a woman in a white dress and a white veil stood tall and graceful.

After taking out an alchemy furnace from the interspatial ring, the woman slowly took out the herbs one by one.

Ling Tian, ​​who is a fourth-rank alchemist, and Ye Chuchen, who has an almost abnormal study of medicine and poison, can tell at a glance that what the White Lotus Saintess is about to refine is just a first-rank Qingling Pill.

If it is a general plague and poisoning, this kind of elixir is indeed enough to solve all problems.

When he saw the blue pill fire rising from the hand of the Holy Maiden of the White Lotus, Ling Tian put his arms around Ye Chuchen's shoulder and said, "Let's go to the Soul Hall to report first. Even if you need karma points and magic doctor points, you can't compete with your own people." Robbing, isn't it?"

The plague is the one that can increase the magic doctor's value and karma points the most. After all, it only takes a little effort to save countless people.

But after all, this saint is a girl from Soul Hall, although she felt it was a pity, Ye Chuchen still nodded.

"and many more."

After walking a certain distance, Ye Chuchen saw more than ten corpses placed in the opposite alley.

"Little Tian'er, let's go over and check the condition of the corpse. If it's really a plague that can be cured by the Qingling Pill, we'll leave."

"it is good."

This is a dead end, because there are nearly 20 corpses, and the people are afraid of being infected, so everyone detours from a distance.

Ling Tian and Ye Chuchen came to the corpse, and just squatted down to remove the white cloth covering the corpse, when Feng Heng stopped them.

"Madam, Miss Ye, these people have all suffered from the plague. After their death, the speed at which the plague spreads from their bodies is even more terrifying. These people should be piled up here and will be burned immediately. Madam and Miss Ye are honorable, if they are killed by the plague Contagion, how can the subordinates explain to the master?"

"Oh, you are so long-winded! My wife can even heal my wounds. What is the difference between mere plague and pediatrics for my wife? Don't make a fuss!"

For someone on such an occasion to be able to hold the marinated chicken feet that his wife made for him, and chew them so deliciously, Feng Heng also accepted it, lowered his head, and stopped talking.

After all, in front of this person, he is just a junior.Whatever he says is what he says.

A husband doesn't worry about his own wife and sister-in-law, so what is he, an outsider, worrying about?

But when Mu Hun spoke, his voice was a little louder, and a few people passing by the alley heard what he said, and immediately stopped doing it.

"Yo, it really doesn't hurt my back to stand and talk."

"Pediatrics? Hehe."

"Since it's so pediatric, why didn't I see you cure the plague of pediatrics in our town before the arrival of the Holy Maiden of the White Lotus?"

(End of this chapter)

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