My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 1147 Making Friends

Chapter 1147 Making Friends
Knowing that it would be boring to stay here, he said loudly, "Oh, I'm still cooking on the stove!"

After finishing speaking, he ran away without giving everyone a chance to continue talking about her.

In addition, the women who talked nonsense with Wang Po also patted their legs one after another. Either this family was cooking rice, or the chicken in that family forgot to lock it up before leaving.

Soon, the women who pointed at Ling Tian and Ye Chuchen and scolded them ran away.

Seeing this, the onlookers also reacted.In an instant, the eyes of the group of old women looking at Wang Po were different.

"I don't know which of the two is Young Master Li Tian, ​​and which one is Young Master Li Bai?"

"I'm next to Li Tian." Ling Tian said.

"I'm Li Bai." Ye Chuchen said.

"The two young masters are polite, the youngest girl is Bai Lian, welcome the two young masters to join our big family of the Soul Palace."

"Thank you, Miss Bailian."

"Master Li Tian, ​​​​you don't have to be so polite. You are friends of the Lord, that is, friends of the Soul Palace. From now on, you can just call me Bailian."

To be honest, neither Ling Tian nor Ye Chuchen could pronounce this name.

After they came to the Hunyuan Continent, they had seen countless white lotus flowers, so after hearing that the saint's name was Bai Lian, they couldn't help but think of her as the best white lotus flower.

But to be honest, this girl named Bai Lian has a really good personality, at least she has a good eye at first glance.

In order to prevent encountering the White Lotus of the Overlord Flower level, Ling Tian even took a special look at the White Lotus Saintess with his yin and yang eyes.

Because she had the karma mirror before, she didn't have to worry about identifying people anymore.

"We'll call you Alian from now on!"

"it is good."

Ye Chuchen said: "You don't need to call me a young master, just call me Li Bai, or Li Tian."

"it is good."

"Just now..."

Ling Tian was about to explain, when Feng Heng said: "It was just now that I saw that the two Mr. Li were going to lift the cloth. I was afraid that they would be infected, so I stopped them. Only then did Yuhun tell me that the two of them have great medical skills. In-depth research, even if it is really a plague, it is still pediatrics for them. In the end, the queen mother heard it and quarreled with us inexplicably."

"The truth is what Dianzhu Feng said, we really didn't pick a problem!" Ye Chuchen explained.

"It's not a big deal, and I'm not such a stingy person. Even if you are not from the Soul Palace, I saw the pill fire in Li Tian's hand just now. A mere plague is really child's play for a fourth-rank alchemist." ! But since you are already here and have researched medical skills, please help me to look at these corpses again.”

"OK, no problem."

Ling Tian and Ye Chuchen are also straightforward people, and they like to deal with the same straightforward people, so they agreed immediately.

Seeing that Ye Chuchen pulled the white cloth away, while Ling Tian stood aside and just watched, Bai Lian's eyes lit up when she looked at Ye Chuchen.

Because Ling Tian's actions showed that in front of Ye Chuchen, she, a fourth-rank alchemist, was not as powerful as the other party.

Bai Lian is a medical idiot, especially loves to study all kinds of elixirs and medicinal herbs.Looking at Ye Chuchen now, he knew that this person was either a fifth-rank alchemist like her, or an even more powerful alchemist than her.

At this moment, she was ready to learn art from a teacher.

Ye Chuchen took a closer look at the face of the deceased after uncovering the white cloth, and his brows were already wrinkled.

 Congratulations to the warm Hong Kong girl on the 2nd floor, Yue Qingcheng on the 7th floor, and winning the prize on the 12th floor.Please add me Q2755579223 to receive the prize.Don’t be embarrassed when accepting the award, just tell me that you are the winning reader, otherwise I will forget the name of the winner and treat you as if you came to chat with me. If you don’t tell me, I won’t make it up. .

(End of this chapter)

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