Chapter 1149
"But when all these family members are dead, the normal people outside will die next."

"This..." The mayor was anxious: "Mr. Li, what kind of disease do people in our town have?"

"This...I can't make a conclusion yet, but what is certain is that they didn't get the plague, nor were they poisoned, and even...they weren't sick at all."

Mayor: ...This is a bit embarrassing.

To be honest, they are more willing to believe in the judgment of the Holy Maiden of the White Lotus.

Someone at the side changed his mind and said with a smile: "Mr. Li is really good at judging things, masters are different. I heard Mr. Li said that Mr. Li Bai's medical skills are even thousands of times better than him. We already know Mr. Li I'm a fourth-rank alchemist, I don't know what rank is Mr. Li Bai? Mr. Li Bai is young, so it's impossible for him to reach the level of a seventh-rank top alchemist?"

What this person said changed the expressions of Ling Tian, ​​Ye Chuchen, and even Bai Lian beside him.

"Deputy Mayor Wang is questioning the strength of my Soul Palace?"

Those extremely proud words showed the domineering arrogance of a saint.

"The Holy Maiden of the White Lotus calms down, the villain doesn't mean that! The villain is just curious. After all, Mr. Li Bai really doesn't look very old. If a person of this age is better than a fourth-rank alchemist, he will be an item alchemist." Very good. But Mr. Li said just now that Mr. Li Bai's medical skills are thousands of times better than his. This... What kind of concept is this! So the villain is just curious."

"I'm sorry to disappoint you. I'm not an alchemist at all. Because I can't condense alchemy."

Everyone: "..."

At this moment, even the mayor's eyes were wrong.He looked at Bai Lian and Feng Heng pitifully.

After all, these two are high-level executives at the headquarters of the Soul Palace, especially the Holy Maiden of the White Lotus, who has already agreed to come to the town to help them, but why are they being led by the nose by this person who is not even an alchemist?
"Hmph." Mu Hun snorted coldly.

Although he was careless, he was willing to follow Feng Qing to destroy demons, and he was not even afraid of dying in battle.But he has never been a good old man who is easy to talk to.

It can be said that Muhun is a beast with a super strange temper.Except for Feng Qing, Ling Xiao and Yao Yuanshuang who he likes, no one else can get into the eyes of this Tsundere Dragon.

Now that his wife is such a powerful person, she is actually despised by these foolish people.At this moment, Qinglong felt very unhappy.

Just as she was about to speak, Bai Lian had already spoken.

"Medical skills are extensive and profound, and alchemy is only one of them. Alchemists can improve human cultivation or serve diseases through refining alchemy, but it is not the only way. How many capable people and hermits are there in this world? Who said Doctors who treat diseases must be worse than alchemists?

Since Li Tian said that Li Bai's medical skills are thousands of times better than his, then he must not be bragging.For a martial artist who has reached the strength of a fourth-rank alchemist at a young age, there is no need for him to deceive you.

Let me tell you the truth, I have seen all the sick people in the town, and I have also seen the corpses. Although it is basically confirmed that it is a plague, I also found something strange. "

"Oh? What's weird?"

Ye Chuchen also didn't want to confront the mayor and the others.After all, an alchemist is like a medical qualification certificate on earth, no matter how strong she is, she is still a black household to others.

(End of this chapter)

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