My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 115 Strange Soul Dimension

Chapter 115 Strange Soul Dimension

"But you also saw that it couldn't control its own strength, and almost killed you just now."

When Xiaobai heard this, he straightened his chest and screamed "Aww".

Although he was still extremely jealous of Emperor Wushang, it was obviously much better than before.That way, it seemed to promise Di Wushang that it would never happen again.

Di Wushang looked at Xiao Bai and asked, "Are you sure you won't hurt Xiao Tian'er in the future?"

"Aww!" Xiaobai nodded quickly.

"Are you sure you can control your own power?"

"Aww!" Xiaobai nodded vigorously.

"If you want to eat and drink with Xiao Tian'er, it's not impossible. But you have to do something that makes me feel completely at ease, and that you will never hurt Xiao Tian'er from now on. Come."

Xiaobai tilted his head and thought for a while, then suddenly yelled twice, jumped up and down excitedly, and even turned around.

Then he stretched out his small paw and pierced the flesh pad of the other paw, a drop of blood emerged, and burrowed into Ling Tian's forehead with a "swish".

Ling Tian felt dizzy before he could react.


Suddenly, Xiaobai's cry resounded in her soul, and Ling Tian took a look, and there was a silver flame mark on her soul.

This imprint exudes a strong light, which means that a very powerful soul has parasitized her natal spirit in her divine soul.

This should be Xiaobai's natal imprint.Once delivered to her, Xiao Bai's life is in her hands.She is good, Xiaobai is good.She died, Xiaobai died.

"Awww! Awww~"

Suddenly, Xiaobai let out another wolf howl out of excitement, Ling Tian fixed his eyes and saw that the soul of the little thing had already run into her space, jumping happily inside.

Because the soul is connected, although Xiaobai can't speak human language, Ling Tian can feel its excitement.

In fact, as early as the second day after Hengyang came back, she discovered that the black stone she bought with a tael of silver had been absorbed by Tongtianyu.

I don't know what that black stone is, not only instantly filled the Tongtianyu with "electricity", but also created a space from then on!
This black stone is an important item that stimulates the movement of space.

This is a space that can only accommodate the soul, but there is a lot of space in the space.

Being in the space, not only can the soul be greatly nourished and repaired, she also understands the reason why the master told her in the previous letter that "Onmyoji Secret Record" and Tongtianyu are complementary products.

After the space was opened by the black stone, she suddenly discovered that Tongtian Yuli was full of various exercises, alchemy and instrumental methods that matched the mental method of "Onmyoji Secret Record".

Gongfa is all kinds of martial arts cheats.

The alchemy method is the method of condensing the alchemy fire and refining the elixir through the power of the soul.

Artifact method is the method of condensing weapon fire with the power of soul and refining spirit weapon.

The reason why it is said that Tongtianyu and "Onmyoji's Secret Record" are compatible with the mental method is that if you want to practice the various cheats in the space of Tongtianyu, you must reach the level of mentality corresponding to "Onmyoji's Secret Record" .

Only when you have reached a certain level of mental skills in "Onmyoji Secret Records", you can choose the corresponding exercises, alchemy methods and tool methods in Tongtian Yuli for cultivation.

For Onmyoji, punishing evil and promoting good, helping justice, helping the weak, eliminating harm for the people, etc., as long as it is positive energy, it can increase the karma of the Onmyoji.

(End of this chapter)

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