Chapter 1152
After that, Ling Tian reported the birthdays of all the people locked in this room one by one.

"Zhang Yukuan, male, 113 years old, born in Wangyou Town..."

"Chen Zhibin, male, 516 years old..."

The mayor's eyes widened, and he said to his subordinates: "Check, check for me immediately whether the information of these people is correct."

Every long-term resident in the town will have their identity information registered. If Ling Tian just said his birth date because he had investigated him before coming here, then it is absolutely impossible to just point to a few people at random.

Wangyou Town is neither big nor small. There are 10 long-term residents alone, not to mention some immigrants.Therefore, even the residents of the town and even the mayor of him don't know who got sick, let alone Ling Tian.

So she could tell the birthdays of all the people in this room at once. Obviously, this person could peek into their fate.

Soon the people below presented the information of these patients.

Everyone immediately took the things over and checked them one by one, including Bai Lian and Feng Heng, who also followed suit.

It doesn't matter if you don't look at it, everyone feels the hairs on their backs stand up when they look at it.

"Others have told me since I was a child: My fate is up to me. But if you repeat it like this, doesn't it tell us that a person's destiny is predetermined at birth, and no matter how hard we try, life will follow the trajectory of destiny. It works?" Bai Lian murmured.

Ling Tian smiled slightly: "A person's destiny is indeed doomed from the very beginning, but it is not static. And man's victory over the sky does not mean that one person can defeat the world, but that one can change one's own destiny through hard work.

But it is precisely because the fate can be changed, where you cannot see, the fate of these people is rapidly thinning due to the manipulation of other people, until there is no more. "

Ling Tian's words caused the people in the room to fall into a dead silence.

Just when everyone was shocked, Ling Tian had already taken out a pen and paper, and quickly drew a spell on it.

"Mr. Li, is this... a Taoist talisman you drew?"

"It's not a Dao talisman, it's a spell. A spell that only works on the soul."

During the conversation, 7 spells were quickly completed and photographed on these "patients" one by one.

Almost at the moment when the talisman was slapped on it, a gleam of clarity appeared in the empty eyes of several people who had gone mad.

The crazy shouting slowly faded away, but because the soul has been drawn away a lot, except for a few two who were not too crazy, the rest passed out after the body was affixed with a spell.

" me! God save me!"

"Help! I'm in so much pain..."

The two madmen with milder illnesses immediately crawled towards Ling Tian after their minds became clear.

In fact, when they were insane, they could feel the pain of their souls being pulled away, and they could also hear Ling Tian and the others talking.

So at this moment when their souls were freed, the two of them put on frightened faces and begged Ling Tian to help them.

"Don't worry, you put this spell on your body, there is no way to extract your souls for convenience."

But as warriors, their tendons and tendons have been cut off, and their souls are also missing. They can't take care of themselves, and they will be no different from disabled people in the future.

"That's great!" The mayor let out a long breath.

(There will be another update later. Add an update for my lord, thank you for the reward. Add an update for those babies who voted for me, thank you for such an awesome monthly pass!)

(End of this chapter)

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