My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 1160 A Stupid Dog

Chapter 1160 Three Stupid Dogs
Quan Moying nodded: "The deputy lord's meaning is also the deity's meaning. The generals at all levels follow orders."


More than 70 phantom spirits and phantom beasts above the fourth level of Lingzun stood up at the same time.Although there are birds in the Eudemons, they all have their claws on the ground, their wings hugged together, and their expressions are very serious.

"From now on, thoroughly investigate this case. The main scope is the remote area outside the Netherworld. Since the geographical scope is too wide, reports are welcome. Reporters, if the report is true, they can get 2 soul stones. Those who provide important clues can also Get 100 to 1000 soul stones. Focus on investigating the place where the explosion happened today."


Everyone was shocked by the lord's generosity.

Phantom spirits and phantom beasts in the nether world are spirit bodies, so although they can also cultivate with spirit energy or spirit stones, the speed is not fast.

And the soul stone is loaded with the souls of strong men, and these souls all come from strong men in the Netherworld.Once these souls are absorbed, the strength of phantoms and phantoms can be greatly improved.

2 soul stones are enough to turn a phantom or phantom beast at the level of Huang Lingsheng into a phantom or phantom beast at the level of Lingzun.

The reason why the lord is so respected and supported is because he is the king of the entire underworld, only he has the ability to carry the souls of phantoms and phantom beasts floating in the air with soul stones, For living phantoms and phantom beasts to practice and improve.

The meeting time was very short, because Quan Moying was lazy and didn't like meetings.

After finishing speaking, let everyone leave.

The Lord Lord's order is still very useful, at least in the Netherworld, most of the people worship the Lord Lord of the Netherworld.

So once the order was issued, it was immediately carried out.

"You three talk about it."

After everyone retreated, only Quan Moying and the three Long family brothers remained.The three of them understood very well what the leader wanted them to say, and each expressed his opinion.

"My lord, I think this incident should have nothing to do with Cheng Shitian." Long cursed.

"I also agree, even if this incident happened in the Netherworld, it should have nothing to do with Cheng Shitian." Long Xiang said.

"Why?" Quan Moying asked.

"Because when you were talking about this, his facial expression didn't change at all! And he also proposed to punish such people severely." Long Yin replied.

Quan Moying: ...It seems reasonable.He was speechless.

"Based on the IQ of you three idiots, it is estimated that Cheng Shitian will sell you, and you will count the money for him with a smile."

The faces of the three of them collapsed.

They admitted that in the Netherworld, the three brothers were often crushed by their IQs.Although the strength of the three of them has reached the eighth level of Lingzun, they are often played around by people compared to the three of Cheng Shitian who are at the sixth level of Lingzun.

"The lord thinks that Cheng Shitian did this?"

"If this matter really happened in the Netherworld, who else could do such a thing except him?"

The three brothers nodded immediately without thinking: "Your lord is wise!"

Regarding these three stupid dogs, Quan Moying had nothing to complain about.After all, after getting along in 2000, he already knew the stupid bottom line of these three subordinates.

"You three, keep an eye on Quan Moying and his subordinates. No matter what he does or doesn't do, keep an eye on him."

(End of this chapter)

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