My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 1167 Have an opinion?

Chapter 1167 Have an opinion?
Several elders headed by Elder Dong walked in with the purple-clothed saint and the green tea saint.

"See the palace master!"

The seven of them were also quite polite in front of Feichen, and they didn't act overstepped in the slightest.This also increased Ling Tian's favorability towards these people.


After Feichen finished speaking, everyone began to look at the people in the hall.

"Master Feng? Why are you back?" Elder Dong was taken aback.

Because a few days ago, Qin Lang, the master of the Xizhou sub-helm, came back with Hongyu who made a mistake. In a blink of an eye, Feng Heng from Beizhou came back again.In this situation, a foreign cabinet elder is a little confused.

"Hehe, I specially escorted Mr. Li back."

Seeing Feng Heng's gaze on Ling Tian, ​​Elder Dong smiled and said: "It seems that Mr. Li's position in the Lord's heart is indeed very important, and the Lord actually asked Palace Master Feng to personally escort Mr. Li to come. Next, Dong Yun, it is the soul hall." elders."

"Brother Li, let me introduce you. This is First Elder Dong Yun, this is Second Elder Quyi, Third Elder Yuan Jianzhong, Fourth Elder Honor, and Fifth Elder Qi Kaisheng."

In two days, they greeted and exchanged pleasantries with the five outer cabinet elders respectively.

"This is Ji Qingfu, the saint in purple clothes from the Soul Palace. This is Gu Xiangyun, from the Soul Palace..."

After hearing Ling Tian's explanation to the green tea whore, Fei Chen could no longer introduce that she was the green tea saint.

"Pfft!" Bai Minyao couldn't help laughing.

Gu Xiangyun quit, and asked pitifully, "Master, why did you introduce Sister Ziyi but not me?"

"Yun'er, I will tell you about this in private. Tomorrow, there will be no two saintesses in this world. So there is no need to introduce."

"Ah?" Gu Xiangyun was stunned, not understanding why he was about to disappear into this world suddenly.But the palace master would never harm her, so Gu Xiangyun nodded again, "Oh".

That bewildered character, at first glance, shows that he has a big heart.He quickly won the favor of Ling Tian and Ye Chuchen.

"This is Mr. Li Tian, ​​and this is Mr. Li Bai. Both of them are friends of the Lord, and they are very important people in my Soul Palace.

Now that all the elders have gathered, the Hall Master hereby announces that from today onwards, Li Tian and Li Bai brothers will officially become members of the Soul Hall and also serve as Deputy Hall Masters.

From now on, all major events in Soul Palace will require the consent of Li Tian and Li Bai.To a certain extent, the identities of Li Tian and Li Bai are equal to the master.Do you understand? "

"Yes, I would like to obey the order of the Palace Master."

It was the five former members of Dongzhou who answered readily.In addition, Qu Yi and Yuan Jianzhong, the elders of the outer cabinet, respected the order of the palace master without hesitation after being slightly stunned.

Ling Tian saw that First Elder Dong Yun, Fourth Elder Honor and Fifth Elder Qi Kaisheng were sitting there without speaking.Especially Dong Yun, his complexion is not very good at the moment.

"Elder Dong, Elder Rong, and Elder Qi, do you have any opinions?" Fei Chen sat in a high position and raised his eyebrows.

"Don't dare dare!" Elder Dong immediately stood up and clasped his fists: "Brother Li Tian is the Lord's friend. As the elders of the Soul Palace, we naturally treat them as honored guests. We..."

"Li Tian and Li Bai are not outsiders, but the deputy masters of our Soul Palace. Therefore, there is no need for Elder Dong to treat them as guests, because they are the masters of our Soul Palace. Understand?"

(End of this chapter)

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