My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 1174 Are You a Divine Beast?

Chapter 1174 Are You a Divine Beast?

"The only way is to use the name of the Hall of Souls to announce this incident and spread it widely, hoping that this incident will spread across the world. Once a plague occurs somewhere, everyone will be alert to it."

Ling Tian nodded.

"However, my subordinates and my wife think the same. The mastermind behind this matter is most likely someone from the Netherworld. The lord's Phantom Jade King Kong is a celebrity in the Netherworld, and he has some friendship with the lord of the Netherworld. The subordinates will report this matter to the Lord, please send Jade King Kong back to report this matter to the Lord of the Netherworld.

Madam didn't know that the lord of the Netherworld was actually a unicorn beast, but after it fell, it was arranged by the gods to guard the Netherworld here.It is a righteous person. If this matter really came from the Netherworld, I believe the lord of the Netherworld will definitely intervene in this matter. "

"The Lord of the Underworld already knows about this."

"What? The Lord of the Underworld has appeared?"

Facing Feichen's doubts, Bai Minyao was also puzzled.Because after the incident, she stayed with Ling Tian all the time.Why hasn't she seen the Lord of the Underworld?
"To tell you the truth, because the lord of the Netherworld owed me a favor, he and his three deacons now have a contractual relationship with me. So he will tell me as soon as there is anything in the Netherworld. "

The voice fell, and the audience was silent.

Even the well-informed Fei Chen was staring at Ling Tian blankly at this moment.

His wife and the Lord are really a perfect match, and they both have extremely tough lives.

"Tian'er, why don't I know when the lord of the Netherworld came to see you?"

"On the flying boat. It's just that I didn't know you were my own at the time, so I asked him to block the breath of our room, so you didn't know."

Bai Minyao looked at Ling Tian pitifully.


"Next time he comes to see you, can you let me see him?"

Hearing this, Fei Chen couldn't help frowning.

Ling Tian glanced at Fei Chen who was obviously jealous, and asked, "What?"

"I really want to see the legendary beasts! But the four great beasts have already fallen, so let me see the unicorns after the fall!"

"Why didn't Feichen tell you that he himself is a real divine beast——Phoenix?"

The audience once again fell into an eerie silence.

"Are you a phoenix? Are you a divine beast???" Bai Minyao's eyes widened.

"God, Lord, please quickly change into a phoenix for me and Sister Min Yao to see. I have never seen a phoenix when I grow up so big! Lord, you are so amazing! I admire you so much! "

Although Ling Jian on the side was a little surprised, he also knew that his son-in-law was a phoenix, and it was normal for his son-in-law's guard to be a phoenix.

Feichen didn't expect Ling Tian to sell him as soon as he came.Being pestered by Bai Minyao and Gu Xiangyun, he felt that he was not a phoenix, but a monkey ready to perform on stage.

After arguing for a while, Feichen finally had no choice but to promise Bai Minyao and Gu Xiangyun that when they had time to go to remote areas, they would show his true face in the air.

"By the way, I heard that there are four saints in the Hall of Souls. Today I saw the crazy woman in purple clothes, and why didn't I see Hongyu? Both Min Yao and Xiangyun are relatives of Xiao Tian'er, so that crazy woman and What is the relationship between Hongyu and Xiao Tian'er?"

(End of this chapter)

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