Chapter 1201

However, she discovered that with three times the strength, she could only repair the opponent's soul and meridians twice.

Feng Ling frowned tightly, and couldn't help opening his eyes.

However, as far as the eye could see, Fengyun's eyes were closed at this moment, and he had already lost consciousness because he couldn't bear her destructive power.

After confirming that the other party really lost consciousness and not intentionally absorbing her spiritual power, Feng Ling closed his eyes again and concentrated on inputting spiritual power to Feng Yun.

It is a lie to say that you input one-third of your spiritual power.

How could she be able to use up one-third of the spiritual power of a martial artist above the peak of Lingzun to heal the wounds of a warrior of Qinglinghuang level?
To heal his injuries, she can't even use a tenth of her spiritual power.


What is going on with this Fengyun?It was clearly just a warrior of the Qingling Emperor, but it was not good after absorbing so much of her spiritual power.

When the spiritual power was lost to eighty-one percent, Feng Ling was already in a bad state.

Feng Yun's body was still absorbing her spiritual power heartily and without hindrance, and the absorption speed was like a huge sponge, making Feng Ling's flesh ache.

Originally, I wanted to just quit.But looking at Feng Yun's still damaged soul and meridians, she dared not let it go.

She's been out there for over 1000 years, and she doesn't want to wait any longer.If Fengyun's soul is damaged, even if he is a phoenix, she can't guarantee that he can finally break through the shackles of the peak Lingzun and activate Yuanling.

If he couldn't activate Yuan Ling, he wouldn't be able to step through the void at all, even if the Phoenix King and Phoenix Queen thought about it, they couldn't bring him back to the heaven.

He can't go back, and she can't be the princess of the Feng clan!

So no matter how depressed and aggrieved he was, Feng Ling endured it.After all, he is her fiance, and she has fallen in love with him through this month of getting along.Then let Feng Ling pay for it once.

Therefore, Feng Ling no longer cared about her little spiritual power, and began to pour his heart and soul into Feng Yun crazily.On the other side, Feng Yun's deity was also unequivocal, trying his best to absorb the spiritual power of a certain woman with evil intentions.

Anyway, Daoist Tongtian promised him and his junior brother that no one could see the avatar technique they learned.

So even though Feng Ling is a fairy, he is not afraid.

Because he believes in the Taoist Master Tongtian.

After Feng Yun's strength soared to the eighth-level Spirit Venerable, he felt that the power in his body was saturated, and he couldn't absorb too much spiritual power before he stopped.

After stopping, this quickly restored the damaged meridians of the avatar with spiritual thoughts.

The spiritual power that was exhausted one moment was instantly restored the next moment, and it exuded a stronger power than before, Feng Ling was also a little confused.

While he was relieved, he also secretly praised in his heart——

Sure enough, he is the prince of the Phoenix clan, the only silver phoenix in the God Realm!Just repairing a soul power at the level of Qinglinghuang consumes one-fifth of her spiritual power.

As a result, her strength dropped by a whole level.

Fortunately, Feng Yun's memory was completely and completely erased.

From now on, he is a blank slate.

From now on, she will be the only one left in his life.

So what if that woman Ling Tian showed up?
So what if the woman has a strong background?
(End of this chapter)

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