My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 1203 Teaching the Clone Technique

Chapter 1203 Teaching the Clone Technique

Feilong and Feiyu opened their eyes, the joy on their faces could not be hidden.

"My lord, I have reached the seventh level of Lingzun!"

"My lord, this subordinate has reached the peak of the seventh level of Lingzun!"

Looking at the joy in the eyes of the two, Feng Yun couldn't help but smile.

At this time, the jade slip on Fengyun's body fluctuated in spiritual power.They were passed on to him by Feiyang and Feichen respectively.

"Feiyang has also reached the intermediate level of the seventh-level Spiritual Venerable, and Feichen has reached the intermediate level of the eighth-level Spiritual Venerable."

"Great!" Fei Yu was so happy that he was about to go to heaven.

"Damn it, there's a guy in Nanzhou mainland who often grabs land and business with me. Because he is a second-level spiritual master, I have recognized him many times. When the master gets away this time, I will Go get the place back and see if he dares to grab the site from me."

Feilong kicked Fei Yu's ass: "My lord is still here, what are you talking about? Whose father are you?"

Fei Yu was taken aback for a moment, then he laughed, and said with a playful smile: "My lord, what, this subordinate is so happy, that's why it's like this. Your lord, you are wise and powerful, and you won't care about me with mere subordinates!"

Feng Yun was also in a good mood, with a smile on his lips all the time and said: "From today onwards, you are the high-level powerhouse of the Spirit Venerable in the world, and one of the few powerhouses standing in this Hunyuan Continent. How can you call me a subordinate?"

"Ahahahaha... this subordinate thinks so too! Hahahaha, even Di Qianzhong, there are not many around him who can reach the seventh level of Lingzun!"

"This king will teach you another formula. If you can learn it, you will have no problem facing even the most powerful characters in the future."

Feilong and Feiyu's eyes lit up one after another: "What formula?"


Flying Dragon: ...! ! ! !

Fei Yu: "Long live the Lord!"


"Why are you kicking me again?"

"Long live the lord? Are you cursing the lord?" Feilong didn't want to complain about Feiyu anymore.

"Ahahaha, my lord will enjoy immortal blessings forever..."

"This king doesn't want to be Emperor Qianzhong. Don't you want to vomit when you say such words?" Feng Yun interrupted before he could say the words Shou and Tianqi, and asked angrily: "You Are you going to learn or not?"

"Learn!" Feilong and Feiyu said in unison.

How could you not learn!Everyone knows that the clone technique is the two unique skills that Daoist Tongtian passed down to the master and the master's junior brother back then.

Besides, besides Feichen who was far away in Dongzhou, the master's avatar technique has also been experienced by the other three. No one could see that from entering Central Continent, what appeared in front of everyone was not the real Fengyun.

So they must learn, must learn!

With the consent of the two subordinates, Feng Yun and the jade slip sent a voice transmission to Feichen who was far away in Dongzhou and Feiyang who was going to be received by the Emperor Palace of Zhongzhou.

Those two didn't even think about it, and replied "I want to learn" almost in seconds.

As a result, two purple beams of light shot out from Feng Yun's eyebrows, and shot into the eyebrows of Feilong and Feiyu respectively.

The figures of the two people suddenly occupied their minds because of this huge content, and they were a little unstable.But soon the two of them stabilized their figures and knelt down and said, "Thank you, Lord!"

They didn't expect that this kind of mentality was spread by relying on the power of the soul. No wonder there is not even a little introduction to the technique of avatar in this world.

(End of this chapter)

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