Chapter 1208 Loyalty
Therefore, the meaning of Di Qianzhong is already obvious. As long as Gu Qianchou can win this competition between the three continents, he will be the Great Emperor of Dongzhou.

This is a good thing that Gu Junyan didn't dare to think about before.

It suddenly fell on his head, and it was said by Di Qianzhong himself. At this moment, Gu Junyan only felt that since he recognized his senior brother, everything was going in a good direction.

"My subordinates thank you Shengjun Long En."

When Gu Junyan was thanking, Beixuanmo suddenly swore at the side: "I, Beixuanmo, hereby make the thunder disaster oath, no matter before, now or in the future, I will be absolutely loyal to Emperor Qianzhong of Zhongzhou, and will never I will do something that hurts Dijun a little bit. My whole life, even my life, belongs to Dijun, and I will be loyal to Dijun forever. If Dijun dies, I must die."

Bei Xuanmo felt that the Dao Talisman he had just obtained was useless.

He didn't dare to make such an oath before, so he could only watch Huangfu Gongchen change from a prime minister of the same level as him to the emperor of Xizhou with envy.In front of Di Qianzhong, he could only pretend to be acting all the time, but he still didn't know which step was missing.

Today, after getting the Dao Talisman, Di Qianzhong just mentioned this matter in front of him, and he also knew that this was Di Qianzhong reminding him to give him the last chance to become his man.

For Senior Sister Hua and Gu Junyan, Bei Xuanmo has a million hearts. He absolutely believes that these two people will not frame him.

So although he had never used such a Dao talisman before, he was not worried at all when using it for the first time.


There was a sound of thunder, and the oath was made, and even Bei Xuanmo, who made the oath that he had never betrayed Di Qianzhong, still stood in front of Di Qianzhong.

Di Qianzhong looked at Bei Xuanmo, narrowing his eyes slightly.

Bei Xuanmo was also one of the rare people he admired.Although the other party has never shown him the loyalty he needs over the years, according to the replies from the spies he placed by his side, he has never done anything to betray him.

So he knew that Beixuanmo was a big-hearted person, loyal, but not loyal enough.

That's why he reused Huangfu Gongchen, who was inferior to him in every way, and didn't give him this chance at the beginning.

To be honest, Beixuanmo is more suitable to be the emperor of Xizhou than Huangfu Gongchen.

But it's not too late for Beixuanmo to make the Thunder Tribulation Oath to show his loyalty to him.At least he dared to make an oath without being struck by lightning, which shows that even before, he had never done anything to betray him.

At least a dozen of his sons dare not swear like this.

Several other generals from Xizhou also followed suit after seeing this.

But the few people had just made a few words of the thunder robbery oath, before they could finish speaking, they were interrupted by Di Qianzhong.

"There's no need for that."

Several generals are in a hurry.

They also want to show their loyalty!
But Di Qianzhong doesn't need everyone's loyalty.All he needs is the loyalty of a few people.Even the eighth-level or even ninth-level spiritual masters around him who protect him, he doesn't need their loyalty.

Because these people only have martial arts in their eyes, and the only thing they can control is themselves.

But Bei Xuanmo is different from people like Gu Qianchou. Although they are not high-ranking spiritual masters, they are brave and resourceful, and they have enough wrists to do big enough things.

All he needs is the loyalty of people like them.

(End of this chapter)

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