My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 121 The Twisted Emperor Wushang

Chapter 121 The Twisted Emperor Wushang
Di Wushang called Ling Tian suppressedly, his breath began to become short.

This girl is his little Indus!It's his little princess!She was his destined little woman!

Every inch of her skin is his, her person, her heart, her life, everything about her is his.

At this moment, Di Wushang felt his heart beating wildly and trembling.

She was fragile like fragile porcelain that couldn't withstand damage, making him afraid that it would hurt her if it was a little heavier.

But she was so beautiful and wonderful that he could no longer control his body's desire to possess her fiercely.

Through his clothes, Di Wushang's big hands seemed to roam freely on Ling Tian's graceful figure, every time he wanted to touch that soft spot, but he didn't have the heart to do so.It caused Ling Tian's body to tremble uncontrollably.

"My God!"

Di Wushang called Ling Tian again, his hoarse voice was full of depression.

Ling Tian collapsed into Di Wushang's arms, his cheeks were flushed, his eyes were closed tightly, and his eyelashes trembled slightly.

"Listen to the people in the private room of Tianzihao on the third floor, you have ten breaths to come out and surrender quickly, otherwise I, Huang Gaojun, will make your blood splash Linjiang Pavilion today!"


Ling Tian opened his eyes in a daze, blushing, and asked in confusion: "Sanlou Tianzihao? Are you talking about us?"

Di Wushang, who was in agitation, swelled extremely uncomfortably, but at this moment the good news was interrupted, and his whole body instantly exuded a bloodthirsty aura.

Although it definitely didn't affect Ling Tian, ​​it made the longing in Ling Tian's heart dissipate in an instant.

Scratching his head, he sat up from Di Wushang's arms in embarrassment, and happened to see a certain little tiger covering his eyes with two paws, but leaving a lot of gaps for himself, watching with relish.


Ling Tian roared, quite speechless for this little tiger who likes to watch pictures that are not suitable for children.

After being yelled at by Ling Tian, ​​Xiao Bai tightly covered his eyes, then turned around and pointed his butt at Ling Tian.

Ling Tian was speechless for a while.

"Upstairs, there are still five breaths!"

I don't know how the people below do the calculations, Ling Tian guesses that this person is holding his breath.

Otherwise, why did such a long time pass, and there are still five breaths?
"Can Fei Yu handle it?" Di Wushang's eyes drifted towards Ling Tian from time to time, and he asked anxiously.

"No! I want to accumulate karma, karma is really important to me." Ling Tian Baba said.

"...Okay, then you come, I will protect you!"

"En!" Ling Tian nodded gratefully.

In her heart, Di Wushang is not only a good-looking man, but also a super good man who is so good!

She felt that fate was so discerning that it arranged for her such a refined and gentle man!
However, she didn't know that at this moment, Di Wushang's heart was distorted and ferocious!

If it wasn't for making Ling Tian stronger, he would have already transformed into a bloodthirsty Shura by now, and went to destroy the world!

Fei Yu outside wiped his face.

Let a tyrant who has a world-weary complex and likes to kill each other if he doesn't agree with him, can say such a thing under such circumstances...

The little princess is really amazing!

At the same time, he also realized that it is estimated that his violent master will become a wife slave in the future.

"Since you don't know how to praise, don't blame me, Huang Gaojun, for being cruel! Give it to me!"

 [Small Theater of Indiscretion]

  Atom: Xiao Tianer said that readers who insist on reading, commenting, giving votes to make Atom hit the list, and giving five points every day are the cutest.

  Di Wushang: When did my little Tianer say that?Don't talk nonsense!

  Atom: Xiao Tian’er said that readers who insist on reading, commenting, and giving votes to make Atom hit the rankings every day, and those who insist on scoring five points, Di Wushang will give male votes to single girls.

  Di Wushang: Enough!What about ethics?
  Ling Tian stepped out: Who are you scolding?Khan da da, are you scolding the atom?She is my good friend hello!

  Di Wushang cleared his throat: Keke, Xiao Tianer, you heard me wrong, Atom is making a list for me, and whoever votes for her will be awarded five points. Those good men under my command, as long as whoever takes a fancy to her , you can label her.

  Ling Tian: ^_^ I knew my Phoenix was the best!

  Di Wushang: Must!

(End of this chapter)

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