My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 1212 Why tell you

Chapter 1212 Why tell you

Feng Yun was silent for a moment, then said coldly: "That's right, this king already knows his identity, and also Feng Ling's identity. So... which god in the heaven are you?"

Di Qianzhong changed from his usual casual look, revealing a touch of majesty once in the God Realm.

"This general is General Long Wei, the major general under the command of the mighty Marshal of Heaven—Long Jue."

Speaking of this, Di Qianzhong, no, it should be Long Jue, could not help but sigh slightly.

"Since Feng Ling has told Prince Feng about you, she must have told you her identity. I don't know if she mentioned this general when she told you her identity?"

Originally, Feng Yun was still wondering what the hell General Long Wei was, but under Long Jue's reminder, Feng Yun suddenly remembered what Feng Ling had said to him at that time, and asked:

"Are you the one who brought Fengling to escape the scourge of heaven and fell into the mortal world? But didn't Fengling tell me that you were already dead when you sent her to Hunyuan Continent?"

After hearing Feng Yun's words, Long Jue was not only not displeased at all, on the contrary he seemed very happy.

"Really? She told you that I sent him down? Did she tell you how I died?"

"Is it important? You are just passing by in her life." Although Feng Ling was shocked to death in his heart, he wanted to say anything that could make Long Jue angry.

Because this person in front of him killed his father, killed Xiao Tian'er's parents, and killed millions of soldiers in Dongzhou.So no matter whether the person in front of him is Di Qianzhong or Long Jue from the Heavenly Court, in short, they are all bad things, they are all Feng Yun's enemies.So even though he is powerless to resist him at this moment, it is good to be able to anger the enemy.

Sure enough, Feng Ling was an untouchable back scale to Long Jue.

It was as if Xiao Tian'er was Feng Yun's untouchable reverse scale.

After listening to Feng Yun's words, Long Jue, who was still greeting him with a smile, suddenly became violent and grabbed Feng Yun's neck.

Feng Yun stared at Long Jue without any fear, the provocation in his eyes was obvious.

But Long Jue's eyes were changing unpredictably, and he was panting heavily.

"Feng Ling belongs to this general! It belongs to this general! Ling Tian belongs to you! You idiot, you don't even know who your woman is, you are making money with me!"

At this moment, Feng Yun couldn't help raising his eyebrows.In fact, the real Feng Yun, who was far away in a small town on the edge of Beizhou, raised his eyebrows.

Even Long Jue knew his little Tian'er, so it seemed that his little Tian'er's background in the Heavenly Court was extraordinary.

Feng Ling was unwilling to tell him about Xiao Tian'er, and tried to clear his memory, maybe he could learn about Xiao Tian'er's identity from Long Jue.

But at this moment, Feng Yun's face in the princess's mansion turned purple, and his eyes were pinched so bloodshot that they protruded.

As long as the opponent uses a little more force, he can be freed from his hands.

But just when Feng Yun felt relieved because of himself, that strength suddenly relaxed.

He got breathable air again.

After Feng Yun finished gasping for breath, Long Jue asked with an ugly expression: "During the month you were in the princess mansion, what did she tell you?"

After Feng Yun finished coughing, he leaned against the edge of the bed leisurely, took the tea cup by the bed, took a sip of tea slowly, and provocatively said without any fear: "Why did this king tell you?"

(End of this chapter)

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