My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 1214 Who is Ling Tian?

Chapter 1214 Who is Ling Tian?

"This king is also a person who doesn't accept threats, so it's just a few questions. You answered my king's, and this king answered yours. We don't owe each other, do we?"

Long Jue stared at Feng Yun for a while, then suppressed the arrogance in his heart, found a chair to sit down, and said: "If you have any questions, you can ask, as long as you can tell, this general will tell you."

Feng Yun did not miss the flash of killing intent in Long Jue's eyes.

Although he didn't know Long Jue, the identity of Di Qianzhong had always been played by Long Jue.So when he understands Di Qianzhong, he also understands Long Jue.

This dragon is absolutely determined to kill him.Although he didn't understand why he was not afraid of his status as the prince of the Feng clan, but he knew that Long Jue would definitely attack him.

But he is not afraid.

After all, he has a clone that even the gods can't see.

At this moment, Feng Yun's thoughts turned back and forth.

A clone that even Feng Ling and Long Jue couldn't see...

If at this time he still doesn't know that Daoist Tong Tian is also from Heaven, and that he may be a god who is much higher than Feng Ling and Long Jue, then he is too dull.

Since Daoist Tongtian came from the Heavenly Court and is also a god, he must also know the existence of Long Jue.

So regarding the safety of himself and Xiao Tian'er, Feng Yun was inexplicably relieved at this moment.

Although he only knew about his and Xiao Tian'er's real family members from the enemy, Feng Yun had inexplicable confidence in his family.

Since their families are paying attention to them, they will not die so easily.

"The general asked you to ask! Don't you have a question to ask the general?"

Long Jue interrupted Feng Yun's endless thoughts, and when he came back to his senses, Feng Yun smiled slightly and asked a question that would piss people off.

"Who are you? Who is this king?"

Long Jue: ...! ! !
After receiving a secret report from the spies, Feng Ling spared no effort to expend his own spiritual power in order to enhance Feng Yun's spiritual power.So he knew that Feng Ling's spiritual power had decreased.

But who can tell him what's wrong with Feng Yun's memory?
"You don't remember who I am?" Long Jue narrowed his eyes slightly.

"I? Aren't you a general? How did you become me again? Don't tell me, you are still delusional about the Emperor of Heaven."

Long Jue: ...! ! !
Being choked by Feng Yun like this, Long Jue didn't know what to say.

"So you've completely forgotten who you are in this world?"

"I have no memory after waking up. The only memory I have is Fengling telling me that I am her fiancé, and I am the prince of the Phoenix Clan in Heaven. So I need to know from you who I am. who."

After hearing Feng Yun's words, a strong embarrassment flashed across Long Jue's face.

Even if he might be the woman who is crazy in love, he couldn't help but angrily said at this moment: "What kind of unmarried couples are shit!"

Feng Yun raised his eyebrows.He just knew it was so!

The word bullshit is enough to describe the relationship between him and Feng Ling.

If it was really an unmarried couple who once liked each other, would he find this woman disgusting?
Long Jue continued: "This is Hunyuan Continent, you have already lost your soul. Your fiancée is not Feng Ling, but a woman named Ling Tian. She is also lost."

Feng Yun pretended to frown, and asked blankly: "Ling Tian? Who is that? Who is she in the Heavenly Court?"

(End of this chapter)

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