My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 1219 Advancement Again

Chapter 1219 Advancement Again
But watching Long Jue devouring his soul bit by bit, Feng Yun still couldn't feel even the slightest bit of hurt and pain.

Seeing helplessly that there are fewer and fewer souls belonging to him in the avatar, Feng Yun is still a little worried.

He was worried that Long Jue would see the illusion of this body.

However, until Long Jue had devoured all the souls in his clone, Feng Yun still felt that he was in control of everything in the clone.

Until this moment, he was really excited.

So the so-called soul and meridians of the avatar are all fake.It was controlled by his soul!
What kind of state of mind and soul he wants the avatar to be, it is.

What kind of musculoskeletal state does the avatar want, it is.

This is a clone that no one can control except himself.

At this moment, Long Jue's soul had completely devoured him, or it should be said that he had taken him away.

But Long Jue didn't realize that what he took away was just a fake body.What's more, he didn't realize that not only did he fail to seize the house, on the contrary, he was controlled by others.

Feng Yun didn't know how to describe the sense of wonder he had for this magical avatar at the moment.

It can be said that the false soul of his clone was taken away by Long Jue's soul, but he can still control the consciousness of this clone at this moment.

And what he is controlling at the moment is...

The soul of Long Jue! ! !
This is really planting flowers intentionally, but not planting willows and willows to make shade.

Feng Yun took advantage of Long Jue's vacancy, couldn't help itching his hands, and stole a little of Long Jue's spirit power to him.

Soon, Feng Yun refined Long Jue's soul power, forming pure spiritual power that completely merged into his body.

Although he was still the peak Spiritual Venerable at the eighth level, Feng Yun could feel that his strength had improved by a tiny bit.

Itching in his heart, before Long Jue woke up, he stole a little bit of his soul again.

His spiritual power has increased by a little bit.

This repeated theft made Feng Yun's heart itchy, so when Long Jue snatched him away, he also secretly poked at him, um, no, it should be called devouring Long Jue's soul.

There was only a muffled sound of "boom".

Feng Yun only felt that the world had once again opened the door to a new world for him.


Made the cut!
Ninth-level Spirit Venerable!

If he used the Feng Clan's secret technique, even the Spirit Venerable above the peak would have a chance to fight.

The speed of this upgrade is like riding a rocket!

Even Feng Yun was overjoyed.

At the same time, after Feilong, Feiyang, Feichen, and Feiyu had received two consecutive strength improvements, and had collectively risen to the height of the seven or eighth-level spiritual masters, they found that their strength had improved again.

Feilong has been promoted from peak level [-] to level [-], Feiyang has been promoted from intermediate level [-] to peak level [-], Feichen has been promoted from elementary level [-] to intermediate level [-], and Feiyu has been promoted from elementary level [-] to intermediate level [-] .

The continuous good news made the four of them really want to talk to their friends.

So Feilong and Feiyu taunted each other.

Feiyang, that is, Beixuanmo happened to accompany Gu Junyan to the post station to meet Senior Sister Hua, so he was stunned at the couple who showed affection and stuffed their mouths full of dog food.To be honest, Bei Xuanmo's showing off really made Gu Junyan envious.Even though he has the body of Thunder Spirit, he still can't stand up to his senior brother's sabotage!
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 As of press time, the bottom-to-bottom 2nd, 7th, and 12th floors are winners.It is invalid for disciples below and repeated building
(End of this chapter)

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