Chapter 1233
Ling Tian's appearance will always be a hateful face in front of him, but although this woman cheats people more than she deserves, she is a good chicken wing.

If only I could eat her chicken wings one more time before dying.

No more, just one pair!
Quan Moying's fierce light turned into a huge unicorn.

Cheng Shitian was taken aback, this was the first time he saw Quan Moying transformed into a unicorn.

Qilin is white all over, with a red fur on its chest.His figure was like a mountain, and he waved suddenly towards him.

Cheng Shitian didn't expect that Quan Moying's previous move was just a feint, and the real attack was not the trident he turned into with spiritual power, but the white light he swung with his claws.

After all, there are many claws, and when the white light comes out, it is like a net covering the sky and covering the sky, making it impossible for him to avoid it.

The moment the trident cut through Quan Moying's skirt...

At the moment when Dragon Curse, Longxiang and Longyin yelled and flew over...

At the moment when Cheng Shitian felt that Quan Moying must die...

Suddenly, a call from another world——

"Little Red!"


Most of the white light emitted by Quan Moying was avoided by Cheng Shitian, but there were three that couldn't be avoided no matter what, and they still suffered serious injuries in the end.

However, after the mortal man injured him, when the trident had cut through his skirt and was about to sink into his heart—no, see, no more!

Long Jue, Long Xiang and Long Yin were shouting in grief and anger and rushing towards them, but their master suddenly disappeared.

The three of them stared blankly at the place where their lord disappeared, suddenly a flash of inspiration flashed in their minds, and they found joy in their eyes.

"What about people?"

Cheng Shitian is really not well.

How influential Quan Moying is in the Netherworld, anyone in the Netherworld knows.Although he now owns half of the Netherworld, this half of the country is nothing more than the people in power who he controls more than half of.

However, the people of the Netherworld had a love for Quan Moying that he couldn't surpass in a short period of time no matter what.

So he either didn't attack Quan Moying, as long as he did, Quan Moying must die.Otherwise, when he returns to the Netherworld again and makes the matter of the Spirit Pagoda public, he will face an unmanageable situation.

However, the mortal Quan Moying disappeared!

gone! ! ! !

Who can tell him how a person who is clearly about to die can escape from his formation?
Looking at Cheng Shitian's furious eyes, the three Long family brothers couldn't help laughing.

"Let me ask you, what about Quan Moying?"

The three brothers of the Long family laughed enough, looked at Cheng Shitian who was jumping, and asked, "Want to know?"

Cheng Shitian's expression froze, and he said with grace: "Say, I'll spare you!"

The three brothers of the Long family, who felt that they already had a backstage, burst out laughing when they heard this.

"Yo, spare us not to die. If you have the ability, kill one of us and show us! Our three brothers just stand here and let you kill us. Let's see if you can kill us!"

"Cheng Shitian, you bastard, our lord takes you with all his heart and single-handedly promotes you. Not only do you not know how to repay your kindness, but you even want to kill our lord and replace him. A person like you, whether it is the nether world or the human world, They are all existences like rats crossing the street! You can’t kill us today, but in the next day, you will be killed by us!”

(End of this chapter)

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