My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 1235 The Outrageous Results

Chapter 1235 The Outrageous Results
Although the process might not be smooth, a group of people still rushed up to congratulate.

Only the pretender with the feather fan in his hand focused his eyes at this moment, and seeing that Cheng Shitian hadn't spoken to him, he asked cautiously, "My lord, what happened? Are they all dead?"

"The six old things are dead, but Quan Moying and the three people from the Long family have escaped."


Everyone was shocked.

They followed Cheng Shitian out to do things with their heads up.

The Nether Realm belongs to Quan Moying, and 99% of the people support Quan Moying. If Quan Moying runs away, won't they be in danger if they make a comeback?

Among other things, 70% of the generals in the nether world still only listen to Quan Moying's orders.

Once Quan Moying came back, it would be really troublesome.

"My lord, don't be angry. If your lord is willing, first tell your subordinates what happened. Isn't the spirit-leading formation an immortal formation? Why can Quan Moying and the three from the Long family escape? Are they How did you escape?"

At this moment, Cheng Shitian was so angry that he was thinking of destroying the world, but he knew that the matter had already developed to this point, and anger alone would not solve any problems.

What he has to do now is to prepare well and fight a tough battle with Quan Moying when he comes back again.

So Cheng Shitian narrated what happened in the formation from beginning to end. When everyone present heard that Quan Moying and the three brothers from the Long family had disappeared suddenly at the most critical moment, they all became restless.

"My lord, this formation can trap even gods, not to mention that Quan Moying is just a dead beast. If he really has a way, he will definitely get the other six people out."

"Yes, my lord, according to what you said, Quan Moying and the three deacons also learned the way of leading the spirit formation, so their strength will drop to level four. Although they are divine beasts, the damage caused by the formation method It's limited, but it has indeed played a harmful role, there is no reason for them to delay in the formation for such a long time to make their own strength retreat when they can escape!"

"The subordinates also agree. Quan Moying and the three brothers of the Long family suddenly disappeared. Why is this situation so similar to being summoned? The subordinates speculated that it might be that when they were in trouble, they were known by their masters, and that's why they did so. Summon them out?"

After the man's voice fell, even Cheng Shitian's expression became slightly dull for a moment.

don't say...

The sudden disappearance of Quan Moying and the three Long family brothers really seemed to have been summoned.

At this moment, the man holding the lupine suddenly said coldly: "Don't talk nonsense. Who are Quan Moying and the three brothers of the Long family? They are the guards of the Nether Realm in the Hunyuan Continent. It is said that humans have just appeared in this Hunyuan Continent. When he was born, he was already guarding the Netherworld. Although none of us have seen his true self, even if he is not a divine beast, he is probably not far behind."

"He is indeed a beast."

This sentence was said by Cheng Shitian.After finishing speaking, he couldn't help coughing twice, and a touch of spiritual power overflowed from his mouth when he coughed.

Everyone was shocked.

"Master, are you injured?"

Cheng Shitian's eyes were terribly gloomy.

"It's not thanks to Quan Moying! Seeing that the trident of this deity is about to penetrate his heart, but his figure suddenly grows bigger and shows his original shape."

(End of this chapter)

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