My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 1237 The Mayor of Soul Hall

Chapter 1237 The Mayor of Soul Hall

"But later, because of the limitation of the formation, after their spiritual power stopped decreasing, they were able to break free from the limitation of the formation, so they left at the most critical time."

Cheng Shitian listened to the analysis quietly, he valued this military adviser very much.

"My lord, although your spiritual power has been absorbed and leaked due to the injury, resulting in no progress, at least the spiritual power of Quan Moying and the others has become lower. It's only the peak of the seventh level of the spiritual master. As long as the Lord If you can absorb more spiritual power during this period, it will be useless even if Quan Moying comes back. Master Quan Moying doesn't need to worry about it, let alone the three brothers of the Long family."

"So what do you mean, not only should this deity stop immediately so that he can't find any evidence, but he should increase the operation of the formation?"

"My lord is wise! This subordinate means exactly that! After Quan Moying fled, he probably wouldn't dare to return to the Netherworld within a few days. Even if he came back, with his current strength, he would definitely not dare to go to the lord with great fanfare." revenge.

After all, the remaining elders, except for the four on our side and the six who have died, are all useless.As long as we can take advantage of this period of time to control the overall situation, even if Quan Moying finally returns, those elders will not, or dare not, help him because they are afraid of your strength.

We don't need those people to help us, as long as they don't stand by Quan Moying's side when Quan Moying comes back.What's more, those of them are also people who have entered the spiritual pagoda. As long as we can quickly establish a large spirit-inducing formation at the Lord's Castle, we will see who dares to block your great cause, Lord. "

Cheng Shitian raised his lips, and finally felt better.

"You're right. Since it's already been done, let's just tear it apart. Anyway, this lordship should definitely be taken over by the deity."

Fortunately, after Quan Moying was rescued by Ling Tian, ​​the three brothers of the Long family wasted half a day's talk in order to embarrass Cheng Shitian.

If they didn't waste their words, but directly went to war with Cheng Shitian with great fanfare, then today's battle would really be the death of the eldest, second and third of the Lingtian family.

As for the reason, you can understand it by looking at the ruins in front of you.

"What happened? Husband... Deputy Palace Master, are you alright?"

As soon as the genius was dim, there was a loud noise from the side of the main hall of the Soul Palace, and then the whole mountain shook violently a few times, which showed how big the battle was.

Almost at the moment of the loud noise, flying dust shot up into the sky.Seeing that the place where his wife and sister-in-law lived was flattened by the loud noise, Fei Chen was in a bad mood.

Now thanks to the blessing of the Lord, his strength has reached the peak of the eighth level of Lingzun, but at the moment when the loud noise happened, he didn't feel anything.

Looking at the collapsed place, Feichen's whole heart went cold.

He rushed to the attic where Ling Tian was at the fastest speed, seeing Ling Tian and his sister-in-law flying out of the ruins in disgrace, Fei Chen breathed a sigh of relief.

Mu Hun was dusting Ye Chuchen with a dark face.

At this moment, Ye Chuchen was still wrapped in Muhun's clothes. When the incident happened, the two of them were having sex, and they were about to leave, but suddenly a huge object fell down, covering their beds. It flew out.

(End of this chapter)

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