My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 1239 My wife lied to you

Chapter 1239 My wife lied to you

He didn't forget that the lady wanted to sleep with Xiao Tian'er some time ago, but Xiao Tian'er refused because she was afraid of delaying their time to make a human.But his wife actually told Xiao Tian'er that they don't have that much.

Xiao Tian'er's expression was very confused at the time, and he asked something that he would never forget in his life——

"Where did your Muhun get hurt when he was hurt?"

His wife replied - "How is it possible?! What are you thinking??"

Xiao Tian'er asked again - "If you didn't hurt there, you two are fighting like firewood, why are you so rare?"

Her wife replied - "He still has injuries on his body, so it's not appropriate to get too excited."

But he was depressed.

Now because of his good performance, his wife has rewarded him with one every other day.

Although he can't get enough to eat, it has nothing to do with his ability, okay?

So he finally seized the opportunity today, so he has to prove it to Xiao Tianer——

My wife lied to you!

wow ka ka ka!

But fortunately, the little girl Jiujiuye in Muhun's heart didn't know about it.Otherwise, she wouldn't be called Ye Chuchen if someone died.

But since someone's soul returns to remember things, he is rarely beaten by a lady.After all, his wife looks vicious, but she is actually a very innocent little girl.

So Mu Hun looked at his little aunt very proudly.

Ling Tian was baffled by Mu Hun's mental retardation, and couldn't help but ask, "Why do you look at me with such smug eyes?"

Only then did Mu Hun realize that his gaze was too obvious, so he quickly put it away, and shook his head obediently: "No! Xiao Tianer, you are wrong!"

"is it?"

"En." Mu Hun nodded very seriously.

"It's fine if you don't. It's shameful to bully a woman when a man is not around."






Ling Tian's words caused the people around Fei Chen and Ling Jian to be speechless.

Turning into a cat, Quan Moying, who had just escaped from danger, was completely ignored by this group of people.

While talking, Long Curse, Long Xiang and Long Yin ran out of the ruins one after another.

Looking at a white Samoyed, a white and black husky, and a white and brown Alaska, Feichen was stunned.

"Vice Hall Master, are these the cats and dogs you feed?"

"Well. There are mice here. I saw them when I went out two days ago, so I picked them up."

Seeing that Ling Tian seemed to have something else to say, Fei Chen immediately made everyone retreat.

Seeing that there were no outsiders here, Ling Tian restored Quan Moying and the three brothers from the Long family to their human forms.

Seeing the four imposing men in front of him, who were still middle-level and high-level Lingzun, Fei Chen was shocked.

"Let me introduce, this is Mo Ying, the lord of the Netherworld, and these are the three deacons of the Netherworld—Dragon Curse, Dragon Phase, and Dragon Seal. This is Mengcheng, the master of the Soul Palace, and this is my uncle Ling Jian. You've all met each other. You're all your own, you're welcome."

Quan Moying and the three brothers of the Long family survived the catastrophe because they were rescued by Ling Tian. Although they were excited now, they greeted Fei Chen and Ling Jian politely.

"Master Meng! Uncle Ling!"

Although Wang Qi and Wang Xiaoyu were with Ling Jian all day long, they didn't say much about their young master.

They are grateful to the young master, although the young master and their father have such a good relationship, but they also feel that the young master should tell their father about the young master, not through their mouths.

(End of this chapter)

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