Chapter 1260
The space suddenly expanded countless times, so big that she couldn't figure out how big it was.There is also a well in the space.

When he saw the well water, Ling Tian became excited.

I have read novels before, but if there is any well water in the space, it must be the omnipotent spiritual spring!
So she warmly greeted Xiaobai and Feilang to drink the Lingquan water first.Maybe after drinking the spring water, her spiritual power will jump from Huang Lingsheng's level to Lingzun's level by leaps and bounds! ! !
But after Ling Tian and the friends in the space drank the spring water, everyone was embarrassed.

It's really just an ordinary well.

Because there is plenty of spiritual power in the space, you can grow vegetables or herbs, but there is not even a drop of water, so this well is probably used to irrigate the fields.

The spirit beasts in the space hadn't bathed for a long time, so they took out the well water and took a bath one after another, which was considered to be a face to Ling Tian.

Ling Tian was not embarrassed by the well water for long.

Looking at the karma points in his system, Ling Tian rubbed his eyes several times.

Every time she placed a fragment of the Demon Sealing Tablet in before, the system gave 5 points as a gift.So Ling Tian thought that if she brought in three fragments of the Demon Sealing Tablet this time, the system would gain 15 more points.

During the more than a month of staying in the Soul Palace, she and Ye Chuchen specially went to remote areas to treat people for free and refine elixirs in order to increase their points.But because they have increased by 2 levels in a month, they are only at the eighth level of Huang Lingsheng, and have not been promoted to the height of Green Lingsheng, so Ling Tian kept these points and did not chop them up.

And before the three demon sealing tablets entered the space, she had accumulated 13 points in one month.

Adding in the 15 points from the three pieces of the Demon Sealing Tablet, her current points should be 28.

But who will tell her why her points somehow became 84 after putting in the three pieces of the Demon Sealing Tablet?
Flying Wolf looked at Ling Tian who was in a daze, and couldn't help but said: "Master, three times 28 is 84. Could it be that the three fragments of the Demon Sealing Tablet you retrieved in one go this time, so the system Awarded you three times the points?"

Ling Tian's eyes lit up, and he asked Flying Wolf, "Is 84 divided by 3 really equal to 28?"

Flying Wolf: ...! !

noob:……! !

A group of spirit beast friends: ...! !

They are sure that if their owner was born in an area that took the number one examination, he must be a scumbag.

They'll be fine with this simple arithmetic, right? !
The friends guessed right, Ling Tian is indeed a scumbag.

Because after asking this question, she did mental calculations for a long time, and finally said happily: "It's really 28! It's really 3 times! It's too profitable! If I had known that month, I would have worked harder and earned more points!"

84 points!

Since she had this space, she has never seen so many points.

In addition to points, all other rewards are triple stacked.

Previously, you could arbitrarily select 2 purchased martial arts to upgrade. This time, the system defaults to arbitrarily selecting 18 purchased martial arts to upgrade.

It is the same reason as the increase of karma points.

When a fragment of the Demon Sealing Tablet enters the space, there are 2 chances to upgrade it.Then when three fragments of the Demon Sealing Tablet enter the space, there will be 6 opportunities to upgrade.

(End of this chapter)

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