Chapter 1270
The spiritual power leaked out along with the shattered wound, and the living souls screamed even more tragically than before.

Because of the inertia of the rotation, they were not completely stirred in at one time, but were cut off a little limbs and continued to rotate with the formation eyes, and then a little body was stirred in again.

The woman kept staring at Ling Tian, ​​begging for her help, until her whole body was completely stirred into it.

The eyes of the formation are like a black hole, constantly running, absorbing the souls of these living souls.

You must know that the most painful thing for a martial artist is not physical trauma.

In this continent, as long as the spiritual power allows, even if the limbs are severed, the severed limbs can be spliced ​​together on the body, and the limbs can be wrapped with spiritual power. Soon after, the severed limbs will be automatically connected by the meridian. The injury of a famous warrior is the trauma of the soul.

Even if the soul is only slightly traumatized, it will bring indelible damage and pain to the warrior.This is why low-level spirits are so afraid of the coercion of high-level spirits.Because this kind of coercion hurts the souls of low-level spiritual beings.

Seeing so many living souls being sucked into the eyes of the formation, even Ling Tian, ​​who is used to seeing life and death, couldn't help but clenched his fists and stared at those souls.

Not only humans, but also spirit beasts.

There was a black spirit fox looking at her with begging eyes, the begging in those eyes was not for Ling Tian to save it, but for Ling Tian to destroy it.Those black grape-like eyes were full of desolation and despair, Ling Tian couldn't bear to look at it any longer.

Thousands of blue ghost butterflies suddenly surged out from Ling Tian's body, flying towards the remnants in the void.

If you are in the human world at this moment, everyone will definitely not be able to see the butterfly, but it is different in the Netherworld.

The Nether Butterfly gushing out from Ling Tian's body shocked everyone present.Even Hua Lixiao and Ye Chuchen, who knew all Ling Tian's secrets, couldn't help but be shocked after seeing so many Nether Butterflies suddenly.


It was as if the entire Ling Tian was transformed from the butterfly.The densely packed, innumerable underworld butterflies continued to pour out of her body.

These ghost butterflies were not restricted by the eyes of the formation, so they flew into the void.

Although I don't know what Ling Tian did, but from the flying back butterfly, we can see that there are clusters of shiny things behind them.

These things shone with light of different colors and different brightnesses. They were tremblingly carried by the butterfly, and then all returned to Ling Tian's hands.

The underworld butterfly disappeared, but the faintly shining things were floating in the air.

"What are these?" Gu Junyan couldn't help asking.

"These should be the souls torn from the human world." Hua Lixiao replied.

Quan Moying looked deeply at the souls brought back by Ling Tian with a heavy look in his eyes.

After that, Quan Moying and the three Long brothers sat cross-legged one after another, and began to save these souls.

These souls have been mutilated so badly that it is impossible for them to survive even in the Netherworld.

Accompanied by the overlord Quan Moying and the three major deacons, the thousands of souls of various colors floating in front of everyone began to glow with bits and pieces of light.

(End of this chapter)

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