Chapter 1289 Arrest
"Could Quan Moying do this?"

"Except for Quan Moying, there should be no one in this world who can do this. Didn't the Lord say before that after Quan Moying and the three of the Long family entered the leading formation, their strength only dropped by four levels, and they stopped. So, even if it's not Quan Moying, it should be those three deacons."

"I don't think the four of them did this. If they were really capable, they wouldn't be trapped by the Lord that day, and they almost ended up in ashes."

"Yes, I think so too. Even if one of Quan Moying and the three deacons knows how to break this formation, those elders will not be consumed by it. Lord, you and Quan When Mo Ying is facing each other, will any of them destroy the eye of the formation?"

Cheng Shitian's complexion was very bad, but facing the capable generals under his command, Cheng Shitian still shook his head with a dark face: "Not at all. At that time, they all just scattered and left, and even Quan Moying didn't look at the front of the formation. Just one glance."

"Then he shouldn't have done what happened this time."

"But the fairy-level formation that even the beasts can't break, who else in the Nether world can do this?"

Everyone was silent.

After a long silence, Cheng Shitian took out another jade slip, took a deep breath, and then crushed it.

But 10 minutes later, when everyone set foot on the clear sky again, even Cheng Shitian, who was mentally prepared before, couldn't help but staggered.

You know, the construction of the spiritual tower is not easy, but the construction of each branch transmission array is even more difficult.In layman's terms, the Spirit Pagoda is just an intermediate receiver, and each branch teleportation array is the main foundation responsible for absorbing and transmitting souls.

It can be said that without the teleportation arrays of these branches, the entire spiritual pagoda would be completely meaningless.From then on, those phantoms in the nether world could never absorb spiritual power again.

Such a result was beyond Cheng Shitian's imagination and expectation.

As those protectors said, the reason why he didn't deploy too many troops in the branch formation was that he had absolute confidence in the formation.Anyone who finds something wrong here and wants to destroy it, once they enter the formation, will be robbed of their spiritual power by the formation at an extremely fast speed.

But now... such a heaven-defying formation has disappeared!
Was destroyed!
And it was completely destroyed!

The sky that was originally covered with dark clouds, lightning and thunder, directly turned into a clear sky at this moment.

Cheng Shitian was shaking with anger.

The group of people following Cheng Shitian was also confused and angry at the moment.

Finally, someone suddenly had a flash of inspiration and said, "My lord, the spiritual power of the pagoda is getting less and less because the branch arrays are being destroyed one by one.

But when we came out, the spiritual pagoda was still sending out a steady stream of spiritual power, which shows that although our branch formation is almost destroyed, but..."

Before this person finished speaking, Cheng Shitian reacted, directly crushed another jade slip, and went to the third branch formation.

The guard was right. Since there was still spiritual power transmitted to the spiritual pagoda, it meant that the 81 linear formations had not been completely destroyed.As long as he catches the person who destroys the formation, kills the opponent, and completely eradicates the scourge, then he can use a hundred years to rearrange a new formation.

(End of this chapter)

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