My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 1292 I Want to Cry

Chapter 1292 I Want to Cry

But after thinking about it, Quan Moying and the three deacons were originally facing a dead end, but they suddenly left the formation at the most critical moment and disappeared in the Netherworld.

So his eyes narrowed slightly: "So besides you, even the three dogs beside you have been contracted by these few humans?"

Before Quan Moying could answer, Cheng Shitian laughed again.

"Quan Moying, thanks to the fact that you are still the lord of the Netherworld, you are willing to be contracted by a few lowly humans. It is estimated that even the Lord God can't understand you, so you let someone like me appear. Therefore, the replacement of the lord of the Netherworld is inevitable. That's fine. The Netherworld will never allow a lord like you to exist!"

After all, the strong wind in the formation suddenly stopped, and those living souls that were absorbed into the nether world by the spirit-leading formation were continuously transmitted to Cheng Shitian's body through the eyes of the formation.

Cheng Shitian's body was like a black hole, devouring them with screams of terror.

Then, Cheng Shitian's strength began to upgrade rapidly under the continuous influx of these living souls.

Ninth-level peak, breakthrough, above the ninth-level peak...

Except for the three Ling Tian sisters standing behind, everyone's complexions darkened at this moment, including Mu Hun.

Although he was not afraid of Cheng Shitian, he was afraid that Cheng Shitian's strength would hurt his wife.

After all, this is Cheng Shitian's home field.

Only Ling Tian looked at Cheng Shitian with disdain flashing in his eyes.

The disdain in Ling Tian's eyes flashed away, but it was clearly seen by Hua Liming and Ye Chuchen.

"Anyway, Cheng Shitian is already here, so let's kill him at this moment, so as not to cause disturbances in Central Continent."

"Well, I agree." Ye Chuchen raised the space ring in Yang's hand and said: "I have already got a good thing, and after killing Cheng Shitian, we can directly enter the spiritual tower of Zhongzhou through the jade slip inside, so that It will not delay our acceptance of the power of those souls."

"Lady, stay by Tian'er's side obediently, don't run around, or I will be distracted."

"Don't worry, I'm not a child. You fight hard, and let me see how strong you are after your injury is healed. Don't get hurt!"

"Don't worry, I won't get hurt! Never let the lady feel bad."


The conversation between Mu Hun and Ye Chuchen not only stuffed Ling Tian with a mouthful of dog food, but also stuffed Gu Junyan with a mouthful of dog chains and also buried his body with dog food.

She glanced at Hua Lixiao with some resentment, his family Xiao'er was always deserted, even if she became his wife, she never had warm words to him.

He really wanted to hear his wife say such things.

"Xiao'er, I'll go help, you just stay by Tian'er's side obediently and don't run around, you know that?"

"En." Hua Lixiao nodded slightly, as a response to Gu Junyan's words.

Gu Junyan: ...I really want to cry.

Ling Tian: ...I really want to laugh.

Ye Chuchen: "Pfft ha ha ha ha..."

After glancing at Hua Lixiao with the same expression, then at his sister-in-law who was gloating, and at his own sister who "has nothing to do with me", Gu Junyan expressed that he was very tired.

When he turned around and decided to fight side by side with Mu Hun, what he saw was Mu Hun's incomparably embarrassing eyes.

Just a look is enough, but, as Mu Hun who doesn't know if he is stupid at all, or after 500 years of being stupid, he feels that continuing to be stupid is his real life, but he still thinks that his eyes are not in place.

(End of this chapter)

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