My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 1303 The Ghost Above the Peak

Chapter 1303 The Ghost Above the Peak
Everyone looked at Ah Xiang and Xu Yi in astonishment, the shock was beyond words.

"May I ask when the two seniors entered the Netherworld?" Long Yin asked happily.

After all, in addition to their three subordinates who are always holding back, there will be three more people with the same strength as the Lord in the Netherworld.Now, let's see if those who have rebellious bones dare to give birth to rebellious bones!

Facing Long Yin's question, Xu Yi and Ah Xiang looked at each other, the shy Ah Xiang blushed, Xu Yi touched his nose, and replied sincerely: "I have only been dead for eleven months, Ah Xiang Xiang has only been dead for ten months. This is the first time we have entered the Netherworld."

The three Long brothers: ...! ! !
"So, you started abducting my people from the Netherworld a long time ago?" When it came to this question, Quan Moying was still very depressed.

After all, he is the lord of the Netherworld, a divine beast guarding the Netherworld, but his master always takes the lead in violating the rules, intercepting powerful souls for his own use.This is simply knowing the law and breaking the law, and it is unscrupulous!How embarrassing!
"Your lord misunderstood. When Axiang and I died, we were just small martial artists. Let alone a martial artist when we entered the nether world, even a spirit king would not do. If there was no Miss to take care of us at that time, we would have been in the same place for a long time. After becoming a wandering ghost, he disappeared from this world."

To Ling Tian, ​​Xu Yi was even more grateful than Ah Xiang.

Who would have thought that his pretense and death in Hengyang that day would make him who is now standing at the peak of Hunyuan Continent?If one day he can return to the outer land and let his father know his current strength, I'm afraid his father will be so happy!


This time, not only Quan Moying and the others were shocked, but even Mu Hun and Gu Junyan who were close to Ling Tian, ​​and even Ye Chuchen who knew Ling Tian's methods couldn't help crying out.

"Xiao Tian'er, how did you do it? In just over half a year, you raised two ghosts above the peak of Lingzun?"

Hua Lixiao couldn't help but raise the corners of her lips slightly, and helped Ling Tian answer: "If I'm right, your spiritual power has only increased in the past few days, right?"

Facing everyone's questions, Ah Xiang was always shy and shy, not very embarrassed to speak.However, Xu Yi, the former son of the prince, treated everyone like old friends at first sight.

"Yes, when the young lady and the young lady teamed up to destroy the formations, the young lady gave us the living souls absorbed by these formations."

Long Xiang was surprised: "Anyone who absorbs these living souls will automatically make a contract with Cheng Shitian. You absorbed these living souls, why didn't you make a contract with Cheng Shitian?"

"Because we are the ghosts raised by the lady, our souls have already been branded with the lady's brand and are indestructible, so these souls polluted by the formation can't pose any threat to us."

The three Long brothers: ...! !

I'm so envious!

I really want to ask why their soul imprints cannot absorb these living souls.Can they also get a soul brand like Xu Yi and A Xiang?
This way of absorbing spiritual power is simply much more than that 10%!

Seeing the envious look of the three subordinates almost drooling, Quan Moying felt powerless for a while.

Stupid, disloyal, always greedy for petty gain, and also loves to grab food from him.

He really didn't understand why the Lord God pressed these three things beside him.

Not afraid of opponents who are like gods, but teammates who are like pigs, these three people must be talking about.

so tired!
(End of this chapter)

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