My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 1322 Where Did Saby Come From?

Chapter 1322 Where Did Saby Come From?
"Come on, let me introduce you to our eldest sister."

After all, Ye Chuchen brought Yaoyue to Hua Lixiao.

"This is our eldest sister Hua Lixiao. This is our brother-in-law Gu Junyan."

"Hello sister, hello brother-in-law!"

Hua Lixiao and Gu Junyan raised their lips slightly, and were about to say hello to Yaoyue, Huangfu Gongchen flew up from the ground into the air as if seeing a savior, seeing the person in front of him clearly.

"Qianqiu, Xiaomei, is it really you?!"

After finishing speaking, Huangfu Gongchen took a big breath out, and then flew towards Gu Junyan and Hua Lixiao.

But just after flying a distance of more than one meter, it was blocked by four tall figures, Quan Moying and the three Long brothers.

Huangfu Gongchen, who hadn't noticed any changes in the strength of Hua Lixiao and Gu Qianchou, was like a mouse seeing a cat when he saw Quan Moying exuding black aura, and he didn't dare to make mistakes.

"My lord, I... I am Gu Qianchou's sworn brother. If you don't believe me, you can ask them."

After all, Huangfu Gongchen looked at Gu Junyan and Hua Lixiao expectantly and said, "Qianqiu, Xiaomei, please explain our relationship to the lord!"

At this moment, Gu Junyan cast his eyes on Huangfu Gongchen, and said indifferently and indifferently: "Relationship? What relationship can I have with you?"

Huangfu Gongchen was completely stunned by Gu Junyan's words, and while a bad premonition arose in his heart, he also said angrily: "Qianqiu, we made eight friends in front of the people of the entire Xizhou, you can deny it, but Xizhou All the people in Leicheng can testify for me!"

"To testify for you?" Gu Junyan sneered: "So what?"

so what?


so what?

Now that Gu Qianchou has the super backing of the lord of the Netherworld, even if he doesn't recognize the relationship between them, so what?

But on second thought——

its not right!
"Qianqiu, now they are going to kill me. Don't forget, you have made a vow of thunder disaster. In this life, no matter how you develop in the future or how much backing you have found, you must obey my orders. Betray me, if I die, you will die too!"


After Huangfu Gongchen finished speaking, Gu Junyan didn't laugh, Hua Lixiao didn't laugh, but Ye Chuchen laughed heartlessly.

"I'm a big fool, where did this Sabi come from? Huahua, is he really an acquaintance of yours? You are really dead, how can you deceive an acquaintance like this?"

Hua Lixiao gave Ye Chuchen a face-saving smile and said, "Have you never heard a word? It's designed to cheat acquaintances! Seeing Emperor Huangfu being tricked by me and Jun Yan, and helping us count the money with a smile, really Very Saby."

"Pfft, hahahaha... Brother-in-law, my sister praised Huangfu Gongchen as Sabi, are you jealous?"

Gu Junyan glanced at Huangfu Gongchen, then at Hua Lixiao, with a smile on his lips.

Isn't this a fool? !
Forgotten by everyone in the corner, Huangfu Gongchen, who was humbled into the dust, almost wanted to kill someone at this moment.

But he had no choice but to fight against such a large number of Spiritual Venerables with a mere second-level Spiritual Venerable, and it was absolutely impossible to even escape.

So Huangfu Gongchen could only keep a dark face, looking at Gu Junyan like a poisonous scorpion.I secretly made a decision in my heart.

 Originally, I said that I have been busy for the past few days and only updated four chapters, but I can’t bear it with my conscience, so let’s go to five chapters. I came out after an extra hour of hard work.

(End of this chapter)

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