My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 1335 Bewitching Thunder Tribulation

Chapter 1335 Bewitching Thunder Tribulation
Again this time.

She really didn't know what these tribulation thunders meant.

Just when everyone was stunned by Ling Tian's bewildered eyes, suddenly, the entire black cloud layer turned golden.

At first glance, I thought the clouds had dissipated and the sun came out.

But if you take a closer look, it's terrifying!
This piece of gold is not the sun at all, but the reason why all the ancient tribulation thunders emerged from the clouds at the same time, illuminating the entire cloud.

Seeing Ling Tian looking towards them, all the golden tribulation thunders shrank their heads back again with a "swish", and then the golden tribulation thunders in the entire cloud became more active.

"Little Tian'er, what the hell are you doing? Since when have you been able to control Jie Lei better than your brother-in-law?"

"..." She didn't know either!She's also surprised, okay? !

Just when Ling Tian was in a state of confusion, a golden ancient tribulation thunder slowly came down from the clouds.

That speed was really very slow, very slow, afraid that Ling Tian and the others would think it was like a bolt of lightning.

When everyone was staring at it vigilantly, it paused in the air and flicked its tail, and then, amidst everyone's horror, swayed the alluring golden figure and rushed to the top of Ling Tian's head.

"Come on!"

The golden lightning lightly touched Ling Tian's jade-carved face, and before she could react, it rushed into the Tongtian jade on her wrist and entered the space.

The second ancient tribulation thunder appeared in the same coquettish posture, and after kissing Ling Tian, ​​he rushed into her space.

The third way...

Fourth way...

fifth way...

It wasn't until the last ancient tribulation thunder pierced into Ling Tian's space and the whole sky cleared up that everyone reacted from their stupefaction.

"Little Tian'er, you're so awesome! Even the ancient Jielei fell in love with your flowery beauty, and I'm convinced by you!"

Looking at the sunny sky again, Ling Tian really couldn't laugh or cry.

"Are you sure these ancient tribulation thunders were overwhelmed by my beauty?"

"Sure! Now that the seal on your face has been released, apart from being more beautiful than me and Hua Hua, what else do you have that makes you stronger than us?"

So apart from the fact that the ancient tribulation thunders were worshiped under the pomegranate skirt of her little Tianer, for the rest, Ye Chuchen couldn't find any reason to explain this wave of ancient tribulation thunders.

"Really?" Ling Tian was confused from beginning to end.

But her intuition told her that it shouldn't be a matter of beauty.

Because before her seal was released last time, Zixiao Jielei already liked her very much.

But these are good things.

The original narrow escape has become the present aftermath. The key is that they have harvested so many ancient robbery thunders.

It's just a huge profit.

So everyone didn't bother to think about things they didn't understand, and they all joked with Ling Tian and flew towards the Soul Palace.

When he was about to reach the Soul Palace, Gu Junyan stopped in his tracks.

"Xiao'er, follow Tian'er and Chen'er back to the Hall of Souls. I have already contacted the people in Xizhou, saying we will be there tonight."

Thinking that there are still a few dead people in the Soul Palace, Hua Lixiao nodded: "Okay, I'll be back tomorrow."

"it is good."

"Brother-in-law, go slowly."

"Brother-in-law, go slowly."

"Take care of Xiao'er."

"Auyou, you won't be relieved after only being separated for a day. Huahua has been with us for 20 years."

Gu Junyan smiled slightly. In front of these three little girls, he, the Generalissimo, could only consciously rank himself as the youngest.

(End of this chapter)

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