My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 1337 What qualifications do you have?

Chapter 1337 What qualifications do you have?
I originally thought that these people were from the Soul Palace, so I should save some face for them.But after knowing their sinister plan with Ji Qingfu, although there was no discussion, the attitudes of Ling Tian and Ye Chuchen were surprisingly the same.

"Never mind your own business! Which onion are you? What right do you have to meddle with us? Haven't you heard of a proverb? If you meddle in your own business, your ass will grow crooked! If you meddle in so much business, you will get hemorrhoids!"

Elder Yuan stared, and was so angry that he almost didn't bring it up. He pointed at Ye Chuchen angrily: " are simply vulgar and unreasonable!"

"The unreasonable person is Elder Yuan!" Ling Tian sneered: "You are just an elder of the outer cabinet, and Li Bai and I are the deputy palace masters. Even the palace master didn't criticize us. What qualifications do you have to criticize what we have done? ?”

"Although I'm just an elder of the outer cabinet, I also know the rules of the Soul Palace. I have never broken the rules in the Soul Palace for so many years. The rules have to be followed by people consciously. If the Hall Master did something wrong, he did something wrong, so why is he so righteous and confident, even uttering evil words?"

"Who said we didn't report to the Palace Master? Who said that the Palace Master didn't know where we went? You didn't know anything and you stood up and taught the Deputy Palace Master who is more noble than you. I think it's Elder Yuan or you didn't Learn the rules well? If you don’t know the rules, you deserve it if you get scolded, and you can’t blame others.”

As soon as Ling Tian finished speaking, Fei Chen spoke.

"A few of you came to this seat before and asked about the news of the two deputy hall masters. Since the things the deputy hall masters are doing are more important and difficult to disclose, so this seat also presumes that I don't know. But at that time, this seat has already told you I've said hello, you just need to do your job well, don't inquire about what you shouldn't."

Elder Yuan was united by Ling Tian, ​​Ye Chuchen, and Feichen, and he couldn't get off the stage. Seeing this, Elder Dong stood up with a smile to smooth things over.

"My lord, Elder Yuan also has good intentions, but he just..."

"Good intentions? Is it good intentions for a subordinate to accuse his superior in public? The master has never followed the rules, and he has never told anyone wherever he goes. Next time the master comes back, how dare you accuse the master of not obeying the rules?"

As soon as Elder Dong's face changed, he immediately knelt on one knee and said, "My lord is serious. Your lord is the one who created the Soul Palace. How dare your subordinates question what your lord has done?"

"Then this seat has already told you that the two deputy hall masters are equivalent to the master. If it is not for this seat to preside over the overall situation, the status of the two deputy hall masters must be higher than this seat. Why do you have to repeat it again and again?" Make a moth?"

"My lord, it's our fault. It's not that we didn't pay attention to the two deputy masters, but because I saw the master worrying about the two deputy masters before, this subordinate couldn't help but feel sorry for the master. Complain twice."

Elder Yuan hated Ling Tian and the two very much in his heart, but in view of Feichen's absolute leadership in the Soul Palace, he didn't dare to say anything more, and immediately admitted his mistake.

"Are you complaining for this seat? What qualifications do you have to complain for this seat? This seat has to listen to the words of the two deputy hall masters, so what qualifications do you have to teach the two deputy hall masters for this seat?"

What Fei Chen said was very disrespectful.

The reason why the Hall of Soul has been like an iron bucket for so many years is precisely because of the absolute leadership of the highest level.

(End of this chapter)

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