Chapter 1354

The team competition is a mixed competition of elite soldiers from all continents. During the competition, everyone can use all their housekeeping skills to kill the enemy.After two hours, the continent with the most people alive will be the winner.The team that stays alive the most will get 30 points, No.2 will get 20 points, and No.3 will get 10 points.

In the event of a tie, there will be a play-off.The generalissimo of each continent will select five warriors from their own teams, and these five warriors will be the representatives to compete with their opponents.The winner wins.

Since swords have no eyes, all players on the stage will get a jade slip. If they are lost or their lives are in danger, they can be sent to the outside of the field immediately by crushing the jade slip.Since this game is related to Dongzhou's management authority, it will definitely involve life and death.So please regard this competition as a war. No matter who dies on the field, all continents must not use this as an excuse to retaliate.May Marshal Sanzhou have any objections? "

Seeing that no one spoke, Di Wutian said: "Since there is no objection, then please come up and sign the life and death certificate."

The three of them got up and walked towards Di Wutian at the same time. The moment they got together, Ye Nantian took a look at Wenfeng and snorted coldly.He looked as if he was going to be ashamed of Wen Feng.

"The first match will be an individual competition. Three generals are invited to come to the stage to collect cards. Whoever gets the first place card will draw their opponent here."

Ye Nantian was ahead of Gu Junyan and Wenfeng, and was the first to reach out to grab the sign.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he turned over, his face darkened.

Because the sign said "No. [-]" impressively.

In order to prevent himself from being scammed, and at the same time want to find an excuse for himself to stop the match, Ye Nantian turned over the other two cards as soon as he saw his own card.

However, to his disappointment, the other two signs had nothing on them.

It's really just bad luck.

"Marshal Ye, this is a fair, open, and just competition. Do you think that what I, Zhongzhou, wants to do can't be done?"

"Hmph, that's hard to say."

Di Wutian smiled, with a monstrous smile on his face: "If I, Zhongzhou, really intend to participate in this hegemony contest, then Nanzhou really can only stand aside."

There was a sudden burst of laughter from the auditorium and the surrounding onlookers.

Most of those who are eligible to watch the battle today are forces that have obtained the tacit approval of Zhongzhou.Hearing what the king said, everyone laughed unscrupulously.

In the eyes of everyone, Ye Nantian, the Generalissimo of Nanzhou, is a clown.

"Marshal Ye, there are two signs here, one is Marshal Gu, and the other is Marshal Wen, whoever you find will be your opponent."

Ye Nantian casually flipped through one of the signs with an ugly face.To be honest, he is more willing to face Gu Qianchou at this moment.

After all, Gu Qianchou, like him, is a fourth-level spiritual master. Even if he has some tricks, he is not too afraid.

What he was worried about before was always the group.He didn't want to cooperate until he heard that Wenfeng had been upgraded to level five.

However, when the sign was opened, the word Wenfeng was impressively written on it.

Ye Nantian's expression darkened, and he immediately flipped over the sign next to it. He wanted to see if it said Gu Qianchou. If not, he could still miss the match.

However, to his disappointment, he was indeed just out of luck.

(End of this chapter)

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