My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 1356 Suzaku! ! !

Chapter 1356 Suzaku! ! !

Ling Tian, ​​Hua Lixiao and Mu Hun in the stands stood up at the same time, watching the scene nervously.

Because when the fiery red bird emitted its first light, Xiao Bai in Lingtian's space, Great Emperor in Hualixiao's space, and Mu Hun beside him felt the aura from the same kind.


This is Suzaku! ! !

"How did Ye Nantian contract with Suzaku?"

"Suzaku just has the inheritance, and he didn't even awaken his spiritual consciousness, yet he was used by Ye Nantian to fight. It's fine if he doesn't let Suzaku out, but if he does, Suzaku will die."

Mu Hun's words made everyone sweat for Suzaku.

However, the good is not the bad, after seeing the phantom of Wenfeng, a fourth-level spiritual master in Ye Nan Tiantang Hall actually got Suzaku, who is now only at the level of a holy spirit, to block the phantom's attack.

Following Suzaku's mournful cry, Ling Tian, ​​Hua Lixiao and Mu Hun all felt a breath of despair.

Mu Hun's hand tightened suddenly, and murderous hatred shot out from his eyes.

That's his sister!

It was the younger sister whom he, Baihu, and Xuanwu once held dearly in their palms!

What is that human being?To treat the little things they held in their palms like this!

"I want him dead."

Ling Tian, ​​Ye Chuchen and Hua Lixiao felt the anger from Qinglong, Baihu and Xuanwu, and spoke at the same time.

"Okay." Gu Junyan nodded without a second thought.

King Qian, King Yong, and King Qi who were sitting by the side shivered in unison, and looked at the talkative pair of senior brothers and Hua Lixiao.

The killing intent that suddenly shot out from the three of them made them feel very inexplicable.

"Brother Hu, why do you want Ye Nantian to die?"

Without squinting, Ling Tian fixed his eyes on Suzaku and said coldly, "Because we belong to the Animal Protection Association."

The three princes: ...

"General Wen, please show mercy to that fiery red spirit beast."

Ling Tian's spiritual power has already reached the peak of the ninth level of Lingzun, and it is not easy for his soul power to penetrate that barrier.

"it is good."

After receiving Ling Tian's request, Wen Feng agreed without asking why.

When Suzaku was seriously injured, Ye Nantian took it back to his consciousness, but kept taking it out to block the attacks of the two.

Every time he saw that he was about to be attacked, he threw the dying Suzaku out to block it, and then took the opportunity to sneak attack.

After several rounds, Ye Nantian discovered one thing, that is, neither Wen Feng nor his Yuan Ling were willing to attack his spirit beast.

Ever since, Ye Nantian became more and more rampant, bombarding Wenfeng and his phantoms without any scruples, but once he encountered the other party attacking him, he immediately summoned Suzaku to block him.

Wenfeng and his phantom could only stop temporarily, but Ye Nantian attacked again at the moment the opponent stopped.

Because Suzaku's life and death had to be taken into consideration, Wen Feng and his phantom suffered several random disasters.

However, when Wenfeng cooperates with his phantom, the advantage is overwhelming.

Although Ye Nantian tried his best, he couldn't attack Wenfeng again.

After a cup of tea, Ye Nantian's aura visibly weakened, Wenfeng sneered, and went up with Huanling.

Seeing that the general situation was over, although he felt aggrieved, Ye Nantian could only crush the jade slips and quickly teleported himself outside the arena.

(End of this chapter)

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